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Multigenerational African American family

December 6-12: National Influenza Vaccination Week 2015

Getting a seasonal flu vaccine each year is the best way to prevent flu and serious flu-related complications. It’s not too late to get your seasonal flu vaccine!


Woman with suitcase at airport

Stay Healthy During Winter Travel

Whether escaping the cold or heading for a snow-centric adventure, make sure flu isn’t part of your travel plans.


Doctor examining baby girl in mother’s lap

Vaccines: A Strong Record of Safety

Vaccines to prevent disease are continuously monitored and have an excellent safety profile. Learn more about the systems to ensure vaccines are safe and effective. 


Image of woman coughing.
Pertussis: Know the Facts

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Read more.

Find Measles Vaccines Near You

Measles cases are at a 20 year high. Protect yourself and your family, get vaccinated.

Family in kitchen stressing over bills
Get help paying for vaccines

Learn about coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other programs to help make vaccines more affordable. Read more.