Read all posts tagged Oklahoma

  • STEM for Students on the Silver Screen

    On Wednesday evening, the White House welcomed dozens of eager middle-school, high-school and college students to a special Computer Science Heroes Film Festival that recognized outstanding women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The film festival was part of this week’s White House celebration of Computer Science Education Week.

  • Talk With Me Baby! Increasing Early Learning Opportunities for Every Child in Georgia

    This week, President Obama hosted the White House Summit on Early Childhood Education. OSTP's Maya Shankar recently sat down with Arianne Weldon, Director of the Get Georgia Reading Campaign and member of the team guiding the Georgia’s Talk With Me Baby initiative, an effort to “bridge the word gap” that develops between poor children and their more affluent peers during the first years of life. Arianne told Maya a little bit about her team’s work, new developments, and future plans.

  • Announcement of Opportunity to Provide Input into the U.S. National Action Plan on Responsible Business Conduct

    Expanding U.S. efforts to promote responsible business conduct is intended to cement the brand of U.S. businesses as reliable and accountable partners internationally and promote respect for human rights.

  • Earth Observations Benefit Nations

    Last week, the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-XI) convened representatives from around the world. The intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a collaborative, multi-national organization created to help connect Earth assessment tools around the world. As one of four permanent members of GEO's Executive Committee, the United States works through the domestic U.S. Group on Earth Observations to support investment and innovation in Earth observations.

  • Giving Americans Easier Access to Their Own Data

    The Internal Revenue Service's new "Get Transcript" tool allows taxpayers improved access to their own personal tax data. This innovative information service is the latest in a series of "My Data Initiatives": Federal efforts to empower Americans with easy, secure, and useful access to their personal data.

  • Hardware Hacking for Disaster Response in Red Hook, Brooklyn

    On October 10 – 11, technologists, entrepreneurs, and innovators across the public and private sectors participated in the first Civic Hardware Hackathon for Disaster Preparedness in support of the White House Innovation for Disaster Response and Recovery Initiative.

  • Celebrating Campus Leaders during National Entrepreneurship Month

    In recognition of National Entrepreneurship Month, OSTP checked in with some of the University Innovation Fellows. The University Innovation Fellows program, launched last year by Epicenter, a national hub for entrepreneurship and engineering education funded by the National Science Foundation, supports student leaders working to stimulate entrepreneurial activity and collaboration on and across their campuses.

  • “Entrepreneurship is in the DNA of this Generation”: The President’s Innovation Town Hall

    Last week, the President held a town hall meeting at a collaborative work space in Los Angeles to discuss a wide range of issues of core importance to entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurs from the millenial generation.

  • Leveling the Playing Field for All Children: Federal, State, and Local Efforts to Bridge the Word Gap

    Research shows that during the first few years of life, a poor child hears roughly 30 million fewer total words than his or her more affluent peers. This is known as the “word gap,” and it can lead to disparities not just in vocabulary size, but also in school readiness, long-term educational and health outcomes, earnings, and family stability, even decades later.

  • Weekly Wrap Up: September 29 - October 3

    This week, President Obama talked about a new foundation for a 21st century economy and welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the White House; Vice President Biden and Secretary of Labor Tom Perez announced the fourth round of TAACCCT grants; and the economy saw its 55th straight month of private-sector job gains.