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It’s Time to Delete Carbon From the Atmosphere. But How?

It’s not enough to drastically slash emissions. To stave off the worst of climate change, humanity needs to capture the carbon that's already in the air.

There Are Bright Spots in the Global Coral Reef Catastrophe

The first major report on the world’s reefs presents a grim picture of losses from global warming. But there are signs coral can recover if given a reprieve.

Cars Are Going Electric. What Happens to the Used Batteries? 

Used electric vehicle batteries could be the Achilles' heel of the transportation revolution—or the gold mine that makes it real.

Regulations and Solutions

Climate Pledges Fall Dangerously Short of the 1.5 °C Target

Countries at COP26 have committed to slashing emissions, in the hope of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. It's not enough.

Neal Stephenson on Building and Fixing Worlds

The science fiction author spoke with WIRED senior correspondent Adam Rogers about climate change and big solutions.

Sodium Batteries May Power Your New Electric Car

As EV sales increase, supplies of lithium may get tight. So some companies are incorporating cells with sodium, which provides almost as big a charge. 

The Cutest Way to Fight Climate Change? Send in the Otters

Saving California's adorable (and very hungry) sea otters helps control other species, leading to the growth of more carbon-sequestering vegetation.

Oceans and Waterways

As the Arctic Warms, AI Forecasts Scope Out Shifting Sea Ice

Global warming is making it harder to predict the movement and location of the ice cover, crucial information for fishing and global shipping.

A Water Crisis Reveals You Can't Recycle in the Arctic

Fuel contamination forced the residents of Iqaluit to rely on bottled water—and now they're having a hard time getting rid of the plastic.

This Groundbreaking Simulator Generates a Huge Indoor Ocean

It’s a 32,000-gallon concrete tank with a wind tunnel grafted on top. With it, researchers can study the seas—and climate change—like never before.

People Should Drink Way More Recycled Wastewater

Filtration technology produces water so pure, it would actually harm you if they didn’t put minerals back into it.

Extreme Heat

Drones May Help Replant Forests—If Enough Seeds Take Root

A handful of companies are pursuing airborne seeding, but there’s little evidence so far that the tactic will succeed. 

Valley Fever Is Spreading Through a Hotter, Drier Western US

Researchers haven’t pinned down exactly what’s behind the rise of the deadly fungal disease. But one thing is nearly certain: Climate change plays a role.

What Is ‘Fire Weather,’ and Why Is It Getting Worse?

A new study of the American West shows that climate change is driving more days that are hot, dry, and windy—the perfect conditions for deadly wildfires.

Fleeing Disaster Is Hard. Climate Change Is Making It Harder

Hurricane Ida and California wildfires are two sides of the same coin: On a warmer planet, it’s getting harder to evacuate from extreme events.

A Vaccine Against Valley Fever Finally Works—for Dogs

People and canines suffer horribly from the disease, caused by a fungus spreading through the increasingly dry US Southwest.

Inside the Negotiations to Decide the Fate of Our Planet

At COP26 in Glasgow, negotiators can easily lose track of what day it is as they scramble to save us from climate chaos.

Stop Telling Kids They’ll Die From Climate Change

Many young people feel like their future is in peril. To make progress on climate change we must move past doomsday scenarios.

How to Talk to Children About Climate Change

Young people already know more than you might think. Here are some ways to approach the conversation, tailored for every age group.

Tree Rings Show Modern Cyclones Are the Rainiest in Centuries

A study of trees, some over 300 years old, indicate that precipitation levels are up as much as 5 inches compared to the early 1700s. 

How Parents Can Deal With Climate Anxiety

Fears of ecological disaster are real, but it's especially hard on people raising children. Here's what parents should know, and where to turn for help.

Island Nations Unable to Attend UN Climate Talks May Vanish

Countries that will likely be destroyed by rising sea levels are at risk of having the smallest voice at a critical moment.

New England’s Moose Are Losing the Fight Against Winter Ticks

Climate change has given a tiny parasite a new advantage over the mighty beasts.

Are Green Jet Fuels Finally Ready for Takeoff?

A first commercial test flight shows how fuel made from plants, not petroleum, could make flying cleaner.

The Future Is Bleak. Pondering Pangaea Gives Me Hope

In 200 million years, our far-flung continents may join up again. It reminds us of humans' tiny place in this intergalactic drama.

Sci-Fi Icon Neal Stephenson Finally Takes on Global Warming

The renowned author says his genre should inspire solutions. In his new novel, Termination Shock, he tackles our most existential crisis.

Microplastics May Be Cooling—and Heating—Earth’s Climate

Tiny bits of plastic are swirling in the sky, and a new model suggests they could be subtly affecting the climate.

Ground-Level Ozone Is a Creeping Threat to Biodiversity

Scientists are learning how this pollutant damages plants and trees, setting off a cascade of effects that harms everything from soil microbes to wildlife.

Growing Crops Under Solar Panels? Now There’s a Bright Idea

In the new scientific (and literal) field of agrivoltaics, researchers are showing how panels can increase yields and reduce water use on a warming planet.

Carbon-Capturing Sunglasses Offer a View of Fashion's Future

A new biomaterial created by methane-munching marine organisms can be molded into eyeglass frames, or formed into leather-like sheets.

NASA Is Preparing for the Ravages of Climate Change

The agency knows it needs to adapt to climate-driven events that will increasingly threaten coastal launch sites and other key space infrastructure.

Volvo’s Classy All-Electric SUV Is Surprisingly Zippy

The 2022 model of the all-electric XC40 Recharge meets expectations but adds a few surprises too.

Deadly Heat Is Baking Cities. Here’s How to Cool Them Down

Urban areas can be 20 degrees hotter than the surrounding country. But green spaces and reflective pavement can make city life more bearable.

The (Very Slow) Race to Move Forests in Time to Save Them

Trees have always migrated to survive. But now they need help to avoid climate catastrophe.

Feeling Climate Dread? You’re Not Alone

It’s called eco-anxiety, a completely natural response to a world gone haywire. And it’s way more prevalent than you think, especially among young adults.