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Learn About Models at EPA

Environmental models are used to help guide research and policies at EPA. Modeling provides an abundance of information and can impact programmatic decision making. It allows a small or large amount of data to project details beyond boundaries of the individual values.

Within EPA, the Environmental Modeling (E-Mod) Community of Practice (CoP) helps further modeling at EPA by discussing and sharing current and innnovative modeling practices. The E-Mod CoP brings together modeler developers, users and managers from across EPA to collaborate and help solve integrated environmental modeling challenges.

Below is a list of some models and modeling programs at EPA.

On this page:


Models, Tools and Databases for Air Research

Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling

Transportation and Air Quality Models

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Chemical Safety

Models, Web Applications and Databases for Chemical Safety Research

Pesticide Models

Predictive Models and Tools for Assessing Chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act

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Climate Change

Models, Tools and Databases for Climate Change Research

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Methods, Models, Tools and Databases for Ecosystems Research

Food Chain Exposure Assessment Models

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Methods, Models, Tools and Databases for Health Research

Human Health Risk Assessment

Human Health Risk Assessment Research Methods, Models, Tools and Databases

Superfund Lead Exposure Models

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Land and Waste Management

EPA's Composite Model for Leachate Migration with Transformation Products (EPACMTP)

Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM)

Models, Tools and Databases for Land and waste Management Research

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Multimedia Exposure Assessment Models

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Ground Water Exposure Assessment Models

Methods, Models, Tools and Databases for Water Research

Surface Water Exposure Assessment Models

Total Maximum Daily Load Exposure Assessment Models

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