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Annual Conference about Managing the Quality of Environmental Data

Offered by U.S. EPA - Region 6, Dallas, Texas

The annual Quality Assurance conference has provided free training for the last 24 years to all who attend the event at our EPA Region 6 Offices in Dallas, Texas. This unique Conference hosts environmental scientists and technicians throughout the United States (and several nations).

Typically, there are over 260 attendees, in addition to 58 speakers whose presentations cover a wide range of topics (such as innovative procedures and new policies, all of which will bring about better and more reliable data upon which environmental decisions are made).

25th Annual Quality Assurance Conference

Note: The session papers and presentations accessible via this site are posted for conference purposes only. They have not been endorsed by EPA management and thus do not represent an official statement of EPA's views or policy. They are not intended to be used to formulate or support any EPA decision or position. Posting these materials does not indicate EPA adoption or endorsement of the information contained therein. Presentations are added as they are received (or added as the permission from the author is received).

The conference is held in our 12th floor conference center located at 1445 Ross Ave., Dallas, TX 75202 Exit google maps logo which is located at the corner of Ross Avenue and Field Street in downtown Dallas.

Monday - October 19, 2015

Time Topic
8:30 am Registration
10:15 am Opening Remarks
Ron Curry
Regional Administrator
U.S. EPA, Region 6
10:30 am Monica Jones
Director, Quality Staff
U.S. EPA, Headquarters
11:30 am Lunch
1:00 pm Scientific Integrity
Francesca Grifo
U.S. EPA, Headquarters
2:00 pm
The Role of Green Chemistry in Sustainability
Mary Kirchhoff
American Chemical Society
3:00 pm Climate Change: Deep Reflection
Nadia Plata
4:00 pm Adjourn

Tuesday - October 20, 2015

Time Session A Session B Session C Session D
8:30 AM
Food Waste Valorization Challenges
 Nadia Plata 
Office of Emergency Management’s Environmental Response Laboratory Network (ERLN)
Terry Smith  
U.S. EPA, Headquarters
New QA Staff – Surviving the First Three Months
Bill Kramer
U.S. EPA, Headquarters
The Buzz on Pesticides
Donna McChristian
CH2M Hill
9:30 AM

Assessment of Air Pollution Watch List Areas in Texas: Has Progress Been Made?
Elena Craft
Environmental Defense Fund

Water Laboratory Alliance: Helping To Increase Analytical Response to Water Contamination Events
Latisha Mapp
U.S. EPA, Headquarters

Tools I Can’t Live Without: Speed Up Method Development and Translation, Essentials for GC and GC/MS Users
Michelle Misselwitz

Assessing the Effects of Pesticides on Bees
Kristen Healy
Louisiana State University

10:30 AM
Oxycombustion Flue Gas Measurements from Coal Fired Plants - Analytical Challenges
Tracey Jacksier
Air Liquide
Water Laboratory Alliance: New Tools To Increase Analytical Response
Latisha Mapp
U.S. EPA, Headquarters
Laboratory Considerations under the Revised Total Coliform Rule
Andrew Waite
U.S. EPA, Region 6
Analysis of Drinking Water for Pesticides and Haloacetic Acids Using IC-MS/MS
Jonathan Beck
Thermo Fisher Scientific
11:30 AM


1:00 PM

How High Density Network Using Lower Cost Sensors Can Provide the Quality of Air in Micro Environments
Jerry Fink

Whole Effluent and Toxicity Testing, an Overview
Ginger Briggs
Bio-Analytical Laboratories

Renee Petitto
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals

Nanopesticides: State of Knowledge, Environmental Fate and Implications for Exposure Assessment
Mélanie Kah
University of Vienna
2:00 PM
Learn about the NEW EPA Method 325b for Refinery Fence Line Monitoring and TO-17 Extended for Soil Gas
Tom Mancuso
Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing, Quality Control and Data Review
Ginger Briggs
Bio-Analytical Laboratories

Monitoring Requirements for disinfection Byproducts and Cryptosporidium
Carrie Miller
Glynda Smith
U.S. EPA, Office of Water

Recent Developments in Pesticide Analysis Using High Resolution Accurate Mass Spectrometry
Jonathan Beck
Thermo Fisher Scientific

3:00 PM

Best Practices for Collecting Soil Samples for VOC Analysis
David Kaminski
QED Environmental Services

Top 10 Deficiencies in Environmental Laboratories. Open Discussion
Judy Morgan
Pace Analytical

(Closed Meeting)
State Drinking Water Certification Officers Meeting
Ray Clark
U.S. EPA, Region 6

A New Perspective in Pesticide Analysis
Timothy Anderson

4:00 PM

Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography (2D-LC) - An Emerging Technique for Analysis in Complex Matrices
Dwight Stoll
Gustavus Adolphus College

Data Usability Evaluation: A Case Study
John Warren
U.S. EPA, Headquarters

Tricks of the Trade, Keeping Your GC System Up Longer for the Analysis of Pesticides
Michelle Misselwitz

5:00 PM

Wednesday - October 21, 2015

Time Session A Session B Session C Session D
8:30 AM

Vacuum UV Absorbance Spectroscopy for Simple, Orthogonal GC Detection
Cary Anne Simpson
VUV Analytics

Accessing USGS Water Data
Mike Canova
U.S. Geological Survey

Suggested QC Practices for On-line Analyzers
William Lipps

Algal Toxins
Methods 537 and 539
André Schreiber
AB Sciex

9:30 AM

GCxGC-TOFMS Utilized for Broad-Spectrum Analysis of Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDCs)
Gail Harkey

GC Large Volume Injection Optimization
Timothy Anderson

Electronic Laboratory Notebooks
John Conway
Lab Answer

On-line Sensors
William Telliard
10:30 AM

Simultaneous Analysis of Full Scan Semi-volatiles and MRM Pesticides by GCMSMS
William Lipps

The Three S’s of LVI/RVE - Speed. Savings, and Sensitivity
Bradley Belding
Shealy Environmental Services

Finding Standards Online
Abigail Morris
Document Systems

Quality Assurance Field Activity Procedure (QAFAP) Across the Agency
Craig Weeks
U.S. EPA, Region 6

11:30 AM


1:00 PM

UHPLC - When To Consider Switching from HPLC, And Making the Most Of It When You Do
Dwight Stoll
Gustavus Adolphus College

Success Using Alternate Carrier Gases for Volatile Methods
Tom Mancuso

Five Signs That It Is Time To Invest in a New LIMS
Sonja Stutsman
Accelerated Technology Laboratories
Best Practices for Quality Assurance
Marion Kelly
U.S.EPA, Headquarters
2:00 PM

Reproducible Environmentally Friendly Solvent Concentrations
Jeff Reid
Buchi Corporation

Certification Methods Errors in the Analysis of NMHC and VOCs in CNG-Based Engine Emissions
Barbara Marshik 
MKS Instruments
Steps to Achieving a Productive Audit vs a Negative Audit; Make Your Audits Work for You
JoAnn Boyd
Southwest Research Institute
The 2015 TNI Laboratory Accreditation Standard
Jerry Parr
The NELAC Institute
3:00 PM

Utilizing High Efficiency Electron Ionization and MS/MS to Reduce Injection Volumes for EPA 8270
Dale Walker

More Samples, More Data. How Do You Manage Your Chromatography Data?
Heather Longden
Efficiency of an Integrated Online Chain of Custody
Scot Cocanour
NCR Tracking System
Patricia Carvajal
San Antonio River Authority
4:00 PM
Material and Process Conditions for Successful Use of Extractive Sampling Techniques
Barbara Marshik 
MKS Instruments
Transformers: Revenge of the Pharmaceutical
Donna McChristian
CH2M Hill
Key Considerations in Selecting a LIMS
Sonja Stutsman
Accelerated Technology Laboratories
National Environmental Field Activities Program
JoAnn Boyd
Southwest Research Institute
5:00 PM

Thursday - October 22, 2015

Time Session A Session B Session C Session D

8:30 AM

Region 6 Field Activity Procedures
Craig Weeks, et al.
U.S. EPA, Region 6


Sampling, Measurement and Analysis of VOCs; What Are the Best Tools for the Job?
Massimo Santoro

Drum Roll, Please!!! Let’s Talk EPA Quality System
Marion Kelly
U.S. EPA, Headquarters

The Recovery of Operations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant from the Radiation Release of February 2014
Nick Stone
Region 6, U.S. EPA

9:30 AM
Critical Considerations for Data Quality in Elemental Speciation
Russell Gerads
Brooks Applied Labs
Eliminate TKN Digestion and Get Better Total Nitrogen Data
William Lipps
Recombinant Enzymes for Analytical Chemistry, Method Validation From a Non-EPA Perspective, and Enzyme-based Nitrate and Phosphate Methods for Water
Ellen Campbell
10:30 AM
New Findings Related to the Impact of Unconventional Drilling on Groundwater Quality
Emmanuel Varona
University of Texas at Arlington
Measuring Drugs in Waste Water
Jennifer Krone
AB Sciex
11:30 AM


1:00 PM

Region 6 Field Activity Procedures
Craig Weeks, et al.
U.S. EPA, Region 6

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