Recycling Junk Mail

We all know that recycling junk mail is good, but reducing it is better. Reducing junk mail gets clutter out of your mailbox, frees up your time, and helps protects the environment. It takes 17 trees to make a ton of paper. That means nearly 100 million trees get used for junk mail every year in the U.S. Let's keep the trees in the forest, and get the junk mail out of your life.

Individuals and businesses will find the newly designed web-based Stop Junk Mail Kit from the Bay Area Recycling Outreach Coalition to be very helpful in reducing junk mail. It focuses on easy ways to reduce commercial access to your name and address so this information won’t be traded, rented, or sold to companies who send unwanted mail. There is also many helpful links to related issues and programs.

Now there is a tool for businesses to use to reduce undeliverable mail to former or relocated employees. By joining the Ecological Mail Coalition’s free service, businesses can reduce millions of catalogs, flyers, magazines and other promotional mail pieces that are sent to former employees every week.