Propose PI effort.
Key points to consider are:
Stanford salary is allocated on the basis of a distribution of TOTAL effort (FTE), including teaching, research activities, University citizenship, etc.
No one has more than 100% and most Schools require that a specified % be reserved for non-sponsored activity.
A faculty member who is on a nine-month appointment may be paid from federal and/or non-federal sponsored projects for no more than 90% during any of the summer months. Salary charged to sponsored projects during the summer months must be consistent with effort expended during the same period.
Stanford University requires a commitment of effort on the part of the Principal Investigator during the period in which the work is being performed. This effort may be expended during the academic year, summer quarter only, or both.
Effort committed in a proposal, awarded by the sponsor, and expended on the project must be matched with an equivalent salary charge either directly to the sponsor, or to a cost-sharing account, or to some combination of these.