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EMF 24: U.S. Technology and Climate Policy Strategies

EMF 24 focused on development and cross model comparison of a new generation of comprehensive international and domestic climate policy intervention scenarios focusing on technology strategies for achieving climate policy objectives. These scenarios enabled the community to exercise enhanced modeling capabilities that were focused on in previous EMF studies on the international trade implications of climate policies, the representation of technological change, and the incorporations of multi-gas mitigation and land use emissions and mitigation policy alternatives.

The EMF 24 Study on "U.S. Technology and Climate Policy Strategies.” focused on the development and cross model comparison of results from a new generation of comprehensive U.S. climate policy intervention scenarios focusing on technology strategies for achieving climate policy objectives.  This study highlighted the interactions between climate policy architectures and advanced energy technology availabilities in the U.S.

EMF 24 study followed on most directly from EMF 19 on technology characteristics of baseline and 550 CO2 Stabilization Scenarios and EMF 22 on GHG Transition scenarios and International Participation, which is completely finished and published as a special issue of Energy Economics.  

Comprehensive documentation of this study and its results can be found in a special issue of  The Energy Journal:  EMF 24, U.S. Technology and Climate Policy Strategies



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