Your interests and goals may span multiple academic disciplines or areas of expertise. That is why the Stanford MBA Program empowers you to combine studies. This flexibility leads to a rich and valuable academic experience.
Nearly 20% of Stanford MBA students take advantage of a joint or dual degree to complement their MBA. As a student, you also can take courses in any graduate school at Stanford University.
Joint Degrees
In a joint degree program, credit from a single course may count toward both degrees. Your degrees must be conferred simultaneously, upon completion of degree requirements for both programs. While in the Stanford MBA Program, you may not pursue concurrently more than one additional degree.
Dual Degrees
In pursuing a dual degree, credit from a course is applied to only one degree. You may petition to pursue a dual degree with any graduate program at Stanford University. As with joint degrees, you may only pursue one additional degree while in the MBA Program.
Study Opportunities Outside Stanford
Stanford MBA students may also pursue degrees with selected professional schools at other universities. Check with each school regarding its policy and timeline.