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GATT Digital Library

This site provides access to over 59,000 public documents and more than 300 publications of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Public documents include reports, studies, and meeting records covering a broad range of topics related to international trade in the post-WWII period. Each document bears a unique symbol number, and the collection is searchable by several fields, including symbol, date, and keyword in title. The organization published documents in English, French, and Spanish. The content available here includes a small number of non-English versions.

In addition to the documents and publications you can access through this site, the project has cooperated with the World Trade Organization since 1999 to create digital versions of over two million pages of archival WTO material, including its central registry files and photographic archive. Currently, all of this material—with the exception of the photographic archive—remains restricted.


Interim Associate University Librarian for Public Services
(650) 521-4341