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Stanford librarians offer grad students an alternative



"Third-party option key"

On April 10, three Stanford librarians — Chris Bourg, AUL for Public Services (PhD in Sociology); Matt Marostica, Subject Specialist for Economics and Political Science (PhD in Political Science); and Regan Murphy Kao, Japanese Studies Librarian (PhD in Japanese) — will talk to Stanford graduate students about their experiences moving from PhD programs into library work.  

This event, titled “Alt Ac @ Libraries,” is part of the Alt Ac Speaker Series, sponsored by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, the Career Development Center, the School of Humanities and Sciences, and the Humanities Center.  The series is designed to give Stanford graduate students the opportunity to explore "a range of rewarding alternative academic (alt ac) career options within colleges and universities." 

Read the Stanford Libraries blog post about this event.

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