Join Chris Bourg, James Jacobs, Bess Sadler, Jennifer Vine, and Adán Griego (in absentia, aided by Everardo Rodríguez), and many others for a Chalk Talk on "Diversity, Inclusivity, and Social Justice in the Library: Are we doing enough? Are we doing too much?"
Who: SUL and Coordinate Library Staff
When: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 2:30-4 pm
Where: Green Library, IC Classroom
Do we adequately challenge assumptions, privilege, and biases in order to provide equal engagement with all aspects of our patron demographics?
Should library workers openly admit their agendas? And what consequences do our agendas entail? How do they impact our reference exchanges, collection decisions, technology choices, and all of our library work? Or should we take care not to cross the lines of neutrality? Is it possible for librarians to be truly neutral?
Do our agendas make us more inclusive and transparent? Do they help us develop better services and collections?
How should SUL embrace diversity, inclusivity, and social justice in our interactions with the Stanford community? Weigh in on this topic along with outstanding panelists and other engaged colleagues in this month’s Chalk Talk.
A few suggested pre-Chalk Talk readings:
- A queer, feminist agenda for libraries: Significance, relevance and power, by Chris Bourg
- Diversity matters? Rethinking diversity in libraries, by James Jacobs and ShinJoung Yeo
- A feminist defense of browsing, by Chris Bourg
- Brain Injuries, Science Fiction, and Library Discovery, by Bess Sadler
- “Radical Reference: taking information to the street” (PDF), by Shinjoung Yeo, Joel Rane, James R. Jacobs, Lia Friedman, Jenna Freedman
- White Screen/White Noise, by Rebecca Martin
SUL Chalk Talks are sponsored by the Digital Initiatives Group (DIG) and are held bimonthly (in even-numbered months), normally on third Thursdays at 2:30 p.m. Join us!