Join Ray Heigemeir from the Music Library, Jon Manton from the Archive of Recorded Sound, and your library colleagues from all across campus for a Chalk Talk discussion about the current state of commercial streaming music and its use in the Library.
Who: SUL and Coordinate Library Staff
When: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 2:30-4 pm
Where: Green Library, IC Classroom
Jon and Ray will attempt to shed light on the complexities of music copyright as it relates to commercial recordings; review SUL's current streaming audio offerings (including mobile access to them); and consider the most popular online music streaming services and the direction of the industry.
Come and share memories of the past and predictions for the future. Oh, and listen to some good music!
SUL Chalk Talks bring together the diverse perspectives of library workers, technologists, practitioners and users to examine some of the most important issues, developments and dreams of the 21st-century library at Stanford and beyond, aiming to engage, educate and inspire staff working in all areas of SUL.
The Chalk Talk series is sponsored and organized by the Digital Initiatives Group's extended cohort DIG+Plus, and are held bimonthly (in even-numbered months), normally on third Thursdays at 2:30 p.m. Join us!