Due to an overwhelming response, registration for Data Day 2015 has been closed!
Nearly 250 people signed up within 48 hours of the announcement of the event, which will take place April 13, 2015 at the Li Ka Shing Conference Center at Stanford.
Stay tuned to our web site for more information about possible recording or live streaming of the event for those who were unable to register in time.
Attendees at Data Day 2015 will hear from Stanford faculty about the latest developments that make data sharing easier and advance the progress of reproducible research and data reuse. Find out what's happening in biomedicine, psychology, sociology, and engineering.
This event is a follow-up to the Forum on the Future of Scientific Publishing.
Christine L. Borgman, Professor and Presidential Chair in Information Studies at UCLA, is the author of more than 200 publications in information studies, computer science, and communication.
Title: Why are data sharing and reuse so difficult to do?
Audrey Ellerbee, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford
Steve Goodman, Professor of Medicine & Health Research and Policy, Stanford
Michael Keller, University Librarian, Stanford
Mark Musen, Professor of Medicine, Stanford
Russell Poldrack, Professor of Psychology, Stanford
Michael Rosenfeld, Associate Professor of Sociology, Stanford
Brian Wandell, Stein Family Professor of Psychology, Stanford
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford Photonics Research Center
Stanford School of Engineering
Stanford Dean of Research Office
Email us (dataday2015@lists.stanford.edu) for more information.