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Reprint Collection at the Miller Library gets new boxes



old vs. new Miller Library reprint boxes

Back in October, Beth Ryan and Sarah Newton came down from Conservation and spent two days helping jump-start a major project to re-box the entire Miller Library reprint collection.

This set of papers contains many old and rare reprints from back in the pre-digital age. Many are from the 1800s. It is arranged taxonomically to facilitate browsing, but for those searching for a known item, there is an author index in the library's card catalog -- the old fashion kind.

Miller Library, old boxes on worktable

The old boxes were not acid-free and many were falling apart. Assisting Beth and Sarah were Don Kohr, myself, and a recent library school graduate, Evan Lynch. After two days of concentrated effort, we had managed to re-box about two thirds of this 300+ linear feet collection. After everyone left, Don continued to work on the project doing the re-boxing, printing new labels, and putting in spacers as needed.

The now completed project looks great. Thanks go to Beth, Sarah, and Evan for pitching in to help me and Don.

Miller Library_reprint collection gets new boxes


By Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station

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