Back in October, Beth Ryan and Sarah Newton came down from Conservation and spent two days helping jump-start a major project to re-box the entire Miller Library reprint collection.
This set of papers contains many old and rare reprints from back in the pre-digital age. Many are from the 1800s. It is arranged taxonomically to facilitate browsing, but for those searching for a known item, there is an author index in the library's card catalog -- the old fashion kind.
The old boxes were not acid-free and many were falling apart. Assisting Beth and Sarah were Don Kohr, myself, and a recent library school graduate, Evan Lynch. After two days of concentrated effort, we had managed to re-box about two thirds of this 300+ linear feet collection. After everyone left, Don continued to work on the project doing the re-boxing, printing new labels, and putting in spacers as needed.
The now completed project looks great. Thanks go to Beth, Sarah, and Evan for pitching in to help me and Don.