In case you haven't done so already, you may want to see the latest news from Stanford Parking and Transportation Services. The September eUpdate features the following:
Don’t forget to enroll in Commute Club or buy your parking permit
It’s a new fiscal year at Stanford, which means it’s time to enroll in the Commute Club or purchase a 2015-16 parking permit if you haven’t already done so by ordering online.
Parking permits expired on Aug. 31, and those without a new permit as of Sept. 1 are subject to citation. You can order your permit online or visit the P&TS office during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
The Oval expands ‘A’ permit parking, and visitor parking moves to Roth Way
As part of Stanford’s ongoing efforts to manage the growing tourist presence on campus, all visitor parking on the Oval will move to the former tour bus parking area on Roth Way as of Sept. 21. Removing visitor parking from the Oval is intended to reduce the impact tourists have on those who work, study and do research on or near the Main Quad.
In August, tour buses were relocated from Roth Way to a new bus parking area on Lasuen Street near Campus Drive. The former Roth Way bus parking is being converted to numbered visitor parking spaces as well as ’A’ permit spaces.
Visitor parking removed from the Oval
As of Sept. 21, the Oval will no longer offer visitor parking spaces.
Back-in angle parking opens on Stanford Avenue Two-way traffic has resumed on the north side of Stanford Avenue between Junipero Serra Boulevard and Raimundo Way. In addition, back-in angle parking opened in the area on Sept. 5.
For more news and the most up-to-date information, see the Parking and Transportation website.