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HighWire Joins "Annotating All Knowledge" Coalition



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Press Release
December 2, 2015

REDWOOD CITY, CA, USA - - HighWire Press, Inc., the leading technology platform and strategic partner to influential scholarly publishers and societies, is pleased to announce participation in a coalition to explore the benefits of building an open, common framework for scholarly annotation.

As a member of the "Annotating All Knowledge" coalition - representing some of the most important organizations in the technology and scholarly publishing communities - HighWire will be part of the investigation into how best to create and implement a standards-based, open web layer which will allow researchers to gather notes and link them across the web, regardless of platform.

"There are many forms of annotations, from public or private group discussions to personal notes and peer review", notes Tara Robenalt, HighWire's Vice President of Product Strategy and Marketing, "and we recognize the value that an open, standard approach will bring to both publishers (to extend reach) and researchers (to increase efficiency)."
"HighWire was founded to deliver technology solutions to influential organizations engaged in disseminating scholarly research," said Dan Filby, HighWire's CEO. "By participating in the early stages of this conversation, we will continue to ensure our publishing partners and their valuable content is at the forefront of digital discoverability, while we continue to align our products with our founding ideals."
For more information about the initiative, visit the Annotating All Knowledge website.
Press Release: PDF
About HighWire
Celebrating 20 years of service, HighWire Press, Inc. focuses on the future of scholarly publishing by providing technology solutions to influential organizations which produce high-impact journals, books, and other scholarly materials. With staff in the US and the UK, HighWire offers digital content development and hosting services, innovative open platform technologies, a customizable peer-review manuscript submission system, strategic consultation services, and unique networking opportunities through its collegial publishers' meetings and community forum.
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Media inquiries may contact Tara Robenalt.
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