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Maps of Africa Workshop - Tuesday, October 9



“A new and most exact map of Africa described by N.I. Vischer and don into English; Enlarged and Corrected according to J. Blaeu and Others, With the Habits of ye people, and ye manner of ye Cheife sitties ye like never before.”

Maps of Africa: Workshop
Tuesday, October 9, 2012. Noon - 1 pm

This workshop will focus on both the physical and digital collections of Maps of Africa at Stanford. We will explore ways to find Maps of Africa online; we will also have on display several of Stanford's Maps of Africa from its rare map collections.

Location: Barchas Room, 2nd Floor of Green Library; Access is through the Lane Reading Room, seen here at

No food or drink is allowed in the Barchas Room. A limited number of lockers are available and these are located near the entrance to the Field Reading Room seen here,

Please contact G. Salim Mohammed with any questions.

G. Salim Mohammed

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