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Regina Lee Roberts

Bibliographer for Anthropology & Archaeology
Communication & Journalism
Feminist Studies
Lusophone Africa Collections
and Sociology


  • (831) 251-5700

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Regina's role in the library

My work centers on facilitating the research process. I assist Stanford University students, faculty, staff and visiting scholars in the navigation and organization of information resources. I teach searching techniques that enable researchers to dig deeper into the invaluable collections held by Stanford University Libraries.  

My collection development responsibilities include the following subject areas:

  • Anthropology & Archaeology,
  • Communication & Journalism,
  • Feminist Studies,
  • Lusophone (Portuguese speaking) Africa,
  • Sociology,
  • Sports & Recreation

Within these subject areas, I serve as the primary liaison between the library and the aforementioned academic departments and programs. I provide in-person and online consultations as well as library tours and workshops. I design learner-centered workshops infused with course specific content. I invite faculty and teaching assistants to contact me to schedule a session.

I am interested in promoting, and participating in scholarly communications that enhance and innovate research.

Course Guides by Regina

Course number Term Guide Instructor
PWR 1PH Winter 2013 He Said, She Said: The Rhetoric of Gender Politics Hanlon-Baker, P.
Sociology 200 - Seminar Fall 2013 Sociology 200 Saperstein, A.
CSRE 55M: Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Seminar Fall 2012 CSRE 55M: MMUF Seminar Dr. Jose David Saldivar with Cristina Lash (TA)
SOC 151 / 251 Spring 2013 From Cradle to Grave: How Demographic Processes Shape the Social World - Sociology 151/ 251 Saperstein, A.
SOC 180A/280A Spring 2013 Foundations of Social Research Soc 180A/280A Roy
PWR 1EP Fall 2013 Rhetoric of Global Development and Social Change Emily Polk
PWR 2CAB Winter 2014 Rhetoric of Gender and Technology Alfano
Think 22 Winter 2014 Think 22: Who Owns the Past? Archaeology, Heritage and Global Conflicts Carter, Tara and Hodder, Ian
COMM 143, 243 Spring 2014 Communication 143/243 Communication Policy and Regulation James T. Hamilton, Anita Varma (TA)
PWR 1KC Fall 2014 PWR 1KC The Rhetoric of Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture Karli Cerankowski

Professional activities

African Studies Association

  • Africana Librarians Council
  • Lusophone African Studies Association

American Anthropological Association

American Library Association

  • Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

American Sociological Association

Qualitative Methods Initiative |Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

  • Member of Faculty and Academic Staff Steering Committee


Selected publications

Roberts, Regina Lee, & Taormina, Mattie. (2013). Collaborative co-design for library workshops. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian,   32(1), 46-56. DOI: 10.1080/01639269.2013.755875

Roberts, Regina Lee. (2007) The Evolving landscape of the learning commons. Library Review, 56(9), 803 - 810. DOI: 10.1108/00242530710831257 



MA, African Studies, Stanford University
MLIS, Library and Information Science, San Jose State University
BA, Government and Luso-Brazilian Studies, Smith College