The joint James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy-Stanford University PESD study on the geopolitical implications of the worldwide shift to natural gas is nearly complete. Final drafts of the individual case studies and working papers—which were presented at the Geopolitics of Gas Conference—are available below, as are several presentations that cover study results and conclusions.
Summary Papers | Case Studies | Economic Modelling | Presentations
Geopolitics of Natural Gas Project Summary: Insights to 2040 | Amy M. Jaffe, Mark H. Hayes and David G. Victor
Geopolitics of Gas: Executive Summary, The | Platform Prospectus
Politics, Markets, and the Shift to Gas: Insights from Seven Historical Case Studies | Mark H. Hayes and David G. Victor
Factors that Explain Investment in Cross-Border Natural Gas Transport Infrastructures: A Research Protocol for Historical Case Studies |
Liquefied Natural Gas from Indonesia: The Arun Project | Fred von der Mehden and Steve Lewis, Rice University.
Algerian Gas to Europe: The Transmed Pipeline and Early Spanish Gas Import Projects |
Belarus Connection: Exporting Russian Gas to Germany and Poland, The | David Victor and Nadejda Victor, Stanford University
Gas Trade in the Southern Cone | David Mares, University of California San Diego
International Gas in Central Asia: Turkmenistan, Iran, Russia and Afghanistan | Martha Olcott, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Liquefied Natural Gas from Trinidad and Tobago: The Atlantic LNG Project | Rob Shepherd and James Ball, Gas Strategies, Ltd.
Mark H. Hayes and David G. Victor Mark Hayes, Stanford University
Baker Institute World Gas Trade Model, The | Peter Hartley and Kenneth B. Medlock III
Market Structure in the New Gas Economy: Is Cartelization Possible? | Amy Jaffe and Ron Soligo
The Geopolitics of Natural Gas: Results and Synthesis ( 19.62 MB ) | Presentation given by David Victor and Mark Hayes at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, 10 May 2004.
The Geopolitics of the "Belarussian Connector" ( 2.03 MB )| Presentation given by David Victor, Nadejda Victor, and Mark Hayes at the Carnegie Endowment Moscow Center, Feb 2004.
The Geopolitics of the "Belarussian Connector" (Russian Version) ( 2.07 MB )
The Geopolitics of Natural Gas: Overview and Initial Conclusions ( 2.1 MB ) | Presentation given by David Victor and Mark Hayes at the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, December 2003.