Colonoscopies can prevent colon cancer, yet the painfulness of the procedure deters patients from screening.
Prolonging the painless final moments of a colonoscopy leads patients to recall the entire procedure as less painful, which in turn increases their willingness to undergo more screenings in the future...
According to the American Transplant Foundation, 18 people die every day in the United States for want of an organ transplant, and some 122,344 people are waiting for a donated organ.
Changing U.S. policies so that people’s organs are automatically donated when they die—rather than requiring people to “opt in” to donating their organs while they are still alive—may lead to more organ donations and more lives saved...
Rejection by peers leads teens to act aggressively and feel down.
Teaching teens that everyone has the capacity to change decreases aggression and symptoms of depression following peer exclusion. If people can change, so too can social labels like “bully” and “loser"...
Helping college students understand that intelligence is a skill they can develop over time, rather than a talent they were born with, causes their GPAs to rise...
In math and science, women and girls trail behind their male peers.
Teaching girls that intelligence is a skill they can develop over time, rather than a trait they are born with, helps them earn higher grades in math...
People with low self-esteem feel less love from their partners and have more trouble in relationships.
Teaching people with low self-esteem to interpret their partner’s compliments as deep and enduring, rather than as shallow and fleeting, helps them feel loved and act better in their relationships...