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User Portal Registration and Proposal Scheduling Tool

Light Source Facility User Support

* Before traveling to SLAC, complete training, review SSRL / LCLS procedures & inform your colleagues about access requirements.
* Ensure the User Agreement with your institution is completed and valid through your proposal or experiment end date.
(Users without a valid institution user agreement will not be permitted access to SLAC or be able to participate in experiments.)
* ALERT URA if from a sensitive country and provide passport & visa
* ALL USERS must bring ID:  driver's license (for US citizens), passport, LPR card & original visa documents (for foreign nationals)
-- no B2 or VWP tourist (WT) visas!   
Visit the new Visitor/User/Employee (VUE) Center in the new SUSB Building 53 to obtain SLAC ID and proximity access.

User Portal Login

Log-in to your account

» Training Requirements

SSRL Beam Line  Before traveling to SLAC to participate in user experiments, review access and training requirements.
Launch web-based training module (log in with SLAC ID #).

» Safety Guidelines

SSRL Beam Line   Review safety guidelines.Contact SSRL or LCLS safety officers if you have questions or need assistance:

December 10, 2015 4:31:10 PM PST