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The state of pensions
In the News

Where Are The Screaming Actuaries?

mentioning Joshua D. Rauhvia Forbes
Friday, November 20, 2015

When Detroit went bankrupt in 2013, estimates of pension shortfalls multiplied overnight. The city’s regular actuarial firm had reported pension underfunding at $600 million. A special study performed by a second actuarial firm showed underfunding of $3.5 billion.

Analysis and Commentary

Brad DeLong On Cornucopia

by David R. Hendersonvia EconLog
Thursday, November 19, 2015

I'm sitting in a United Red Carpet Club at LAX, having just used my last coupon that expires next year. That, in itself, is evidence of Cornucopia. I'm able to get on line, get "free" booze (although I opted for the sparkling water), and get good afternoon snacks.

In the News

About Those Republicans Who Think The Unemployment Rate Is Higher Today Than When Obama Took Office

quoting Edward Paul Lazearvia American Enterprise Institute
Thursday, November 19, 2015

From a new Bloomberg poll: “The unemployment rate on the other hand—or how it’s perceived—seems to vary according to political party registration. Asked if the jobless rate is higher or lower than when Obama took office, 53 percent of Republicans incorrectly responded that it is higher. Among Democrats, 76 percent correctly said the rate is lower.”

Fall Retreat 2015

Podcasts From Hoover's Fall 2015 Retreat Now Available Online

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Hoover Institution held its annual fall retreat during October 19 and 20, 2015. It offered presentations by Hoover fellows on a wide range of public policy issues, from US and world history to foreign policy to education and health care and the economic challenges of the future. Below is a selection of podcasts from the conference.

Blank Section (Placeholder)

Competition and Efficiency in the Mexican Banking Industry: Theory and Empirical Evidence

by Gustavo A. Del Angel , Sara G. Castellanos, Jesús G. Garza-Garcíavia Books by Hoover Fellows
Thursday, November 19, 2015

This book contributes to the understanding of competition policy in the Mexican banking system and explains how levels of competition relate to banks' efficiency. The authors study the banking sector in Mexico, a developing country with a regulated and sound banking system and an industry with strong participation from global systemic banks.

Analysis and Commentary

Silicon Valley Increasingly IS California's Recovery

by Carson Brunovia Real Clear Markets
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

One of the main reasons people continue to flock to the Silicon Valley-Bay Area despite the high cost of living is that the region is the epicenter of the Golden State's labor force recovery.

Federal Reserve

The Fed’s Letter To Congress And The FORM Debate

by John B. Taylorvia Economics One
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

In advance of a House vote on the Fed Oversight Reform and Modernization (FORM) Act, Fed Chair Janet Yellen sent an open letter to Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi objecting to the legislation and generating a lot of media interest. 

Analysis and Commentary

Open Letter On Economic Data

by John H. Cochrane via Grumpy Economist
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I joined a large number of economists signing an open letter supporting funding for economic data. The letter is here, twitter #SaveTheData, Financial Times story here, press release here.

Policy Seminar with Steven Davis

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Annenberg Conference Room, Lou Henry Hoover Building

Steven Davis, the William H. Abbott Professor of International Business and Economics at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, presented his work (joint with Scott Baker and Nick Bloom) on “Policy Uncertainty and Economic Performance.” 


This is the real unemployment rate: What's Behind the Numbers?

via Analysis
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Edward P. Lazear stated that October’s unemployment rate stood at 5 percent in his piece, This is the Real Unemployment Rate, in the Washington Post. However, the unemployment rate may not be indicative of labor market strength.


Economic Policy Working Group

The Working Group on Economic Policy brings together experts on economic and financial policy to study key developments in the U.S. and global economies, examine their interactions, and develop specific policy proposals.

Milton and Rose Friedman: An Uncommon Couple