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Analysis and Commentary

Truckers Halt Moscow Traffic As Putin Shifts The Blame

by Paul R. Gregoryvia Forbes
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Long-haul truckers from the North Caucasus to Western Siberia began a protest against a new GPS-based federal road tax on November 11. Independent truckers formed slow-moving convoys that caused kilometer-long traffic jams throughout the affected regions.

Featured AnalysisFeatured

ISIS: Making Autocracy Look Good

by Camille Pecastaingvia The Caravan
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The November attacks in Paris claimed by ISIS came from the convergence of two forces. One is Jihadism, a global and multifaceted socio-behavioral phenomenon. The other is ISIS, an organization that operates in the Levant and Mesopotamia. ISIS can occasionally project itself beyond its base by leveraging the Jihadist phenomenon, as it did in Tunisia, Egypt, or now France. But despite the global noise, ISIS should be read in its regional context.

Barack Obama

The President's Speech

by Thomas Sowellvia Creators Syndicate
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

When the President of the United States asks the television networks to set aside time for him to broadcast a speech from the Oval Office, we can usually expect that he has something new to say.

Analysis and Commentary

Donald Trump's Latest, And Mai El-Sadany's Latest

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Monday, December 7, 2015

My phone just flashed a New York Times update at me: "Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims from Entering the U.S."

Analysis and Commentary

Statement From Military Commission Chief Prosecutor Mark Martins

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Monday, December 7, 2015

Military Commissions Chief Prosecutor Mark Martins issued the following statement over the weekend in advance of this week's pre-trial hearings in the 9/11 case.

In the News

Joe Biden Says U.S. Is Still Backing Ukraine

quoting Michael McFaulvia The New York Times
Monday, December 7, 2015

The United States will not sacrifice Ukraine in pursuit of Russian cooperation in Syria, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. assured Ukrainian leaders on Monday, even as the Obama administration tries to manage complicated diplomacy with Moscow.


Kori Schake: Does The United States Have A Gun Problem Or A Terrorism Problem?

interview with Kori Schakevia Foreign Policy
Monday, December 7, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Kori Schake discusses the hype around national security threats and the way we define terrorism — and whether it makes a difference if it happens inside or outside the United States.

Larry Diamond

Larry Diamond On The Forum With Michael Krasny

interview with Larry Diamondvia The Forum
Monday, December 7, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Larry Diamond discusses President Obama's address Sunday night concerning the San Bernardino shooting and the steps the government is taking to address terrorist threats against the country.

In the News

U.S. Senate Report On CIA Torture Flawed On Several Fronts, Stanford Scholar Says

featuring Amy Zegartvia Stanford News
Monday, December 7, 2015

Stanford political scientist Amy Zegart says the U.S. Senate's 2014 summary report on alleged CIA torture and interrogation during the "war on terror" contains errors and weaknesses that only served to weaken its ultimate influence.

Analysis and Commentary

San Bernardino Reveals What It Takes To Be President

by David Davenportvia Forbes
Monday, December 7, 2015

It is often said that crisis does not so much develop character as reveal it. When the chips are down, where we turn and how we respond are clear indicators of who we are.


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