Poland (pre–World War II)
Materials pertaining to Poland begin in the 1860s and are particularly rich for the decade 1910–20, which saw the political struggle for Polish independence before and during World War I, the cause of Poland at the Versailles Conference, and the war against Bolshevik Russia in 1920–21. The remaining years of the Second Republic are best documented in the Hoover Library’s rich Polish interwar holdings.
Valerian Platonovich Platonov Papers
Russian state secretary for Polish affairs, 1864–66
Okhrana Records
Russian Imperial Secret Police, Paris office, 1883–1917
Włodzimierz Wiskowski Collection
Miscellaneous materials
Polish Subject Collection
Miscellaneous materials
Helena Paderewska Memoirs
Wife of Ignace Paderewski, prime minister of Poland
Janusz Cisek Collection
Miscellaneous materials
Ignace Jan Paderewski Papers
Polish statesman and musician; premier, 1919
Mieczysław Jałowiecki Memoirs
Polish Lithuanian agricultural expert, architect, and engineer
Poland Delegacja przy Lidze Narodów Telegrams
Polish delegation to the League of Nations
See More:
Poland (pre–World War II) Archival Collections Poland (pre–World War II) Library Materials
Dwyer, Joseph D., ed. Russia, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A Survey of Holdings at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1980.
Filipiak, Miroslaw. Archiwalia Ambasady RP w Moskwie-Kujbyszewie (1941-1943) i Ministerstwa Informacji i Dokumentacji (1939-1945) w zbiorach Instytutu Hoovera Uniwesytetu Stanforda. Warszawa: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwow Panstwowych, 2002.
Scerbinskis, Valters. "Dokumenti par Latviju Huvera Instituta Arhiva Kalifornija," Latvijas Arhivi, no. 4, 2005.Scerbinskis, Valters. "Dokumenti par Latviju Huvera Instituta Arhiva Kalifornija," Latvijas Arhivi, no. 4, 2005.
Siekierski, Maciej. "Hoover Institution's Polish Collections: An Overview and a Survey of Selected Materials on Polish-Soviet Relations." Polish Review, 33, no.3 (1988): 325-32.
Siekierski, Maciej with Christopher Lazarski, compilers. Polish Independent Publications, 1976-1990. Guide to the Collection in the Hoover Institution Archives. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1999.
Stepniak, Wladyslaw. Archiwalia polskie w zbiorach Instytutu Hoovera Uniwersytetu Stanforda. Warszawa: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwow Panstwowych, 1997.
Sworakowski, Witold S. List of Polish Underground Collection (1939-1945) in the Hoover Library. Stanford, 1948. (supplemented and revised by Helena Sworakowska, Stanford, 1961).
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