Crisis Code

  • Original UI sketch
  • Login Screen
  • Table of Contents
  • Quiz Page

Healthcare professionals are required to handle medical emergencies and crises. Yet, many of these healthcare providers are not always knowledgeable about teamwork and evidence-based techniques for managing a medical crisis. This web- and tablet-based course will teach physicians crisis resource management principles and the application in providing ACLS during cardiac arrest.

The instructional format for this course will include learning trigger videos and video podcast lectures.

Learning Objectives

Objective 1: Develop strategies to implement Crisis Resource Management principles and their application during cardiac arrest treatment.
Objective 2: Develop strategies to utilize updated guidelines for management of cardiac arrest.
Objective 3: Develop strategies to build skills for: 1) airway management and vascular access, 2) management of PEA (Pulseless Electrical Activity)/Asystole, ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation, symptomatic bradycardia, unstable supraventricular tachycardia, and 3) post-resuscitation management

  • Stanford AIM lab
  • Feb, 2012
  • iOS application
  • mobile learning
  • crisis management
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