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Amanpour has a new home – this blog is no longer in use

Amanpour has a new home – this blog is no longer in use
January 29th, 2015
01:18 PM ET has a new home! You can find it here.

Meanwhile, this blog continues to serve as a repository of all Amanpour interviews from before January 2015.

'Selma' director and actor on paying tribute to Martin Luther King

January 29th, 2015
10:12 AM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

One has to wonder how “Selma," the gripping new historical drama that chronicles Martin Luther King’s struggle to grant black Americans the right to vote, ended up with a mostly British cast.

“You know, things just happen,” the film’s director Ava DuVernay said with a laugh, patting star David Oyelowo on the shoulder in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday.

“As an actor you’re just seeking a part that matches you, and as a director you’re seeking an actor that fits that part. These actors are exquisite, and David was the only choice for Dr. King,” DuVernay added.

Growing up in England, Oyelowo explained how he came to absorb the iconic role of the civil rights leader.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Film • Latest Episode

The world seen through the eyes of Syria's lost children

January 29th, 2015
09:28 AM ET

Imagine a world that’s seen through the eyes of Syria’s refugees.

A joint project by Lebanese NGO Zakira and UNICEF has made that possible by giving disposable cameras to 500 children in Lebanon’s refugee camps, and telling them to take pictures of whatever took their fancy.

Click above to watch.

Japanese hostage is part of prisoner swap negotiation with ISIS but ‘our priority is our pilot,’ says Jordanian Foreign Minister

January 28th, 2015
04:03 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Jordanian Foreign Minister told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday that Japanese hostage Kenji Goto, who is currently held by ISIS, is part of the negotiations with the terror group, but that Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh is the priority.

“Yes, of course,” Nasser Judeh told Amanpour over the phone in response to questioning about whether Kenji Goto is part of ongoing negotiations with ISIS, which were made public on Wednesday.

“But as you know our priority is our pilot, but we are cooperating very, very closely with our Japanese friends and allies. It is ISIS, Daish [the Arabic acronym used for the group], that has tied the fate of the two captives together.”

Judeh also confirmed that the negotiations had been taking place for weeks and through intermediaries.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Japan • Jordan • Latest Episode

Jordan govt. is choosing 'the least bad option'

January 28th, 2015
02:16 PM ET

Negotiating with terrorists is "not in Jordan's usual policy," Former Deputy Jordanian Prime Minister Marwan Muasher tells Christiane Amanpour.

Click above to watch the full interview.

Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Iraq • Jordan • Latest Episode • Syria

‘Strange bedfellows’ in Greece’s new anti-austerity government

January 28th, 2015
10:06 AM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Greece’s new anti-austerity government is made up of “strange bedfellows,” an expert in Greek politics told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday as the new Prime Minister Alex Tsipras formed a coalition with a right-wing party and unveiled a cabinet.

Kevin Featherstone, Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies at the London School of Economics said “the independent Greek party, which is the small coalition party with Syriza from the elections, is on record as being anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant; it is a far right nationalist party.”

“Why, then, has Syriza got into coalition with this party? It's perhaps a signal of the insistence of being anti-austerity. This is a party that above all is a fanatic about ending the austerity measures, ending the conditionality from Europe.”


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Eurozone • Greece • Latest Episode

Auschwitz survivor searches for his long-lost twin

January 28th, 2015
06:09 AM ET

Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, CNN's Atika Shubert meets Menachem Bodner, who dreams against the odds of a different ending to his family story.

Click above to watch.

Had we been warned, many of us would not have gone to Auschwitz, says survivor

January 27th, 2015
04:31 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

On the day the world marked seventy years since the liberation of Auschwitz, survivor and Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that had many Hungarian Jews been warned about the death camp, they would never have gone there in the first place.

“[In] 1944 we didn’t know Auschwitz existed. Had we known, believe me, had Roosevelt, had Churchill, on the radio stations turned to Hungarian Jews saying ‘Hungarian Jews, don’t go to the train, because the trains will lead you to Auschwitz,’ people – many of us would not have gone.

“Many wouldn’t have believed, perhaps, but wouldn’t have gone, but nobody warned us, and nobody came to our help.”

Born in Romania, Wiesel was fifteen when he was sent to Auschwitz in Poland with his family in 1944.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Germany • Latest Episode • War Crimes

After 100 days, Indonesia's President is tested but still goes to the people

January 26th, 2015
04:57 PM ET

Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) - It would be easy not to pay Joko Widodo a second glance as he rides his bike down a Jakarta boulevard wearing track pants and white sneakers.

But fill that boulevard with thousands of Javanese out for the Sunday stroll, and you soon realize he is no ordinary Indonesian.

"Jokowi!" they shout - using the nickname by which the country's new President is universally referred - reaching out to him for handshakes and selfies.

"Pagi!" - "Good morning!"

In October, he took office as president of this enormous Pacific archipelago of about 250 million people - the largest Muslim-majority country in the world.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Indonesia • Islam • Latest Episode

Bill & Melinda Gates’ bet: Child deaths will fall by half by 2030

January 23rd, 2015
07:24 PM ET

By Madalena Araujo, CNN

Fifteen years ago, former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and his wife Melinda started a foundation aimed at reducing poverty and improving healthcare.

Since then, they have given away more than $30 billion in grants, investing heavily in the fight against diseases such as Malaria, polio and pneumonia.

This year the Gates decided to raise the bar and, in their 2015 Annual Letter, they announced their next bet: child deaths will go down by half by 2030 as a result of vaccines, better sanitation and other improvements.

“We've brought down child mortality. We've cut it in half and you'll have 25 years. That's incredible,” Melinda Gates told CNN’s Amanpour in an interview that aired Thursday.

“If we focus on it, yet again, you can cut that childhood death down again in the next 15 years by half if you give kids an education. Getting a child into school, boys and girls, changes the whole pattern,” she added.


Filed under:  Christiane Amanpour • Ebola • Latest Episode
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