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Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

Summer 2016 Undergraduate Research Program in the Department of Bioengineering at Stanford University

The Department of Bioengineering (BioE) will offer Stanford undergraduates stipends to conduct research over the summer in 2016. The program extends from June to August and is designed to give undergraduates an opportunity to work with members of the BioE faculty and their research groups on advanced research topics.

The program is supported jointly by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, the Office of Student Affairs in the School of Engineering and the Department of Bioengineering.

Program Requirements

This is a 10-week program starting June 20 to August 26 (40 hours per week). Students are expected to participate for the duration of the program. If you need to be away for part of the time, you should coordinate (in advance) with your faculty mentor on how to make up the time that you missed. Students are also required to submit an abstract, attend a poster worksop, present their research by participating in a final poster session and complete a program questionnaire.

Deadline: All application materials and supporting documents are due by Tuesday, February 9, 2016. Preference will be given to applications completed by the program’s deadline.

Eligibility:  Eligible applicants must be Stanford undergraduate students who will not have graduated by June 2016. Students who will be in their fifth (coterminal) year are also eligible as long as the BS degree has not yet been conferred. Students who have participated in this program in past years are still elligible to apply.

Support: Selected students will receive a stipend of $6,400 for the 10-week (40 hours per week) summer session of full-time research work.


Policy prohibits a student from receiving both credit and pay for the same research activity. This does not, however, preclude students from working on a research project during the summer and then expanding it into an honors thesis during the following academic year(s). Students who wish to conduct Honors research should apply for a Major Grant directly from Undergraduate Advising and Research. Students receiving full summer stipends may not register for more than 5 credits of coursework, nor may they work for more than 10 hours per week in addition to their research appointment. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available, preference goes to first-time participants.


Room, board, house dues and other academic expenses are paid by the student. Students are responsible for paying their university summer bill, which will include any other academic expenses incurred. Please consult the housing office for more information regarding rates and summer housing deadlines.
Housing Assignment Services website:

How to apply

All portions of the application, including both the online application form and unofficial transcript, must be completed and submitted by 12:00 p.m. (PST), Monday, February 2, 2015.

Step 1: Review summer project descriptions

Students may apply for up to three different projects if they choose.

Step 2: Apply online

All applicants must meet the criteria above and complete the online application form.

Start Online Application Form >>

Important Notes: Students may submit only one application. Once you start the online application process, if you are not able to complete it all at once, your information will be saved and you may return to your application anytime before the deadline by clicking on the the link below from the same computer. You will also have the option to change your responses by using the " << BACK" button. However, clicking on the "SUBMIT" button will record your information as complete and you will not be allowed to continue editing your application.

Step 3: E-mail supporting document

Please e-mail your Stanford unofficial transcript in a PDF format to Please name each file with your full name as well as document type (example: Jane-Smith-transcript.pdf) and type "BioE Summer REU Program Application" in the subject line of the e-mail.

Step 4: Notifications

All application decisions are scheduled to be sent out via e-mail by mid-March. Final acceptance into the REU Program will be contingent upon the verification of your online application.

Other Links


Please direct any questions concerning the REU Program, including the application process to:

Teri Hankes
Student Services Officer