Stanford School of Engineering Open House

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Friday, April 25, 2014, 1-3 p.m.

Prospective freshmen and their families are invited to visit with faculty, staff, and students from the major undergraduate programs in engineering, plus view student research posters, projects, and demonstrations including the self-driving car created here at Stanford. We will also have representatives from the Career Development Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning available. For more about engineering at Stanford, please see the information below.

More information

Engineering majors offered

School of Engineering Departmental Majors Interdepartmental Majors in Engineering
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AA)
Student Contact: Ana Tarano
Student Contact: Matthew Gonzalez
Student Services Staff: Patrick Ferguson
Architectural Design (AD)
Student Contact: Anran Li
Student Services Staff: Jill Filice
Bioengineering (BioE)
Student Contact: Maya Anjur-Dietrich
Student Contact: Shaheen Jeeawoody
Student Services Staff: Teri Hankes
Atmosphere and Energy (AE)
Student Contact: Angela Kwok
Student Contact: Amanda McNary
Student Services Staff: Jill Filice
Chemical Engineering (ChE)
Student Contact: Peter Wang
Student Services Staff: Pamela Dixon
Biomechanical Engineering (BME)
Student Contact: Cindy Au
Student Services Staff: Kelly Guerriero
Civil Engineering (CE)
Student Contact: Dina Al-Alami
Student Contact: Marcos Vidal
Student Services Staff: Jill Filice
Biomedical Computation (BMC)
Student Contact: TBA
Student Services Staff: Darlene Lazar
Computer Science (CS)
Student Contact: Raven Jiang
Student Contact: Alex Zamoshchin
Student Services Staff: Claire Stager
Engineering Physics (EPhys)
Student Contact: Kevin Moy
Student Services Staff: Darlene Lazar
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Student Contact: Miles Bennett
Student Contact: Sohaib Shaikh
Student Services Staff: Amy Duncan
Product Design (PD)
Student Contact: Alex Briñas
Student Contact: Devika Patel
Student Services Staff: Kelly Guerriero
Environmental Engineering (EnvE)
Student Contact: Christina Zhou
Student Services Staff: Jill Filice
Individually Designed Majors in Engineering (IDMEN)
Student Contact: TBA
Student Services Staff: Darlene Lazar
Management Science and Engineering (MS&E)
Student Contact: Konstantine Buhler
Student Services Staff: Lori Cottle
Materials Science and Engineering (MatSci)
Student Contact: Mai Bui
Student Services Staff: Fi Verplank
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Student Contact: Caroline Abbott
Student Services Staff: Kelly Guerriero

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Suggested Introductory Engineering Courses

Visit the Undergraduate Engineering Handbook page for a list of introductory seminars and engineering fundamental courses.

Introductory Seminars with an Engineering Focus

Stanford School of Engineering Introductory Seminars offer a popular and hands-on way to experience engineering ideas and projects during your frosh and/or soph year. These IntroSems are designed to explore a topic that often isn't otherwise part of the curriculum for a particular major, and do it with a faculty instructor in a small-class setting (maximum of 14-16 students). To get a further hint of the emphasis of the class, check the offering department in column two. Here is a list of the 2013-14 offerings:

Preference to Freshman

Managing Natural Disaster Risk -- CEE 29N
Managing Complex, Global Projects -- CEE 48N
Can Machines Know? Can Machines Feel?  -- CS 21N
Computers and Photography: From Capture to Sharing -- CS 45N
Great Ideas in Computer Science -- CS 54N
Great Discoveries and Inventions in Computing -- CS 56N
The Business of the Internet  -- CS 73N
Digital Dilemmas -- CS 74N
How Musical Instruments Work -- EE 10N
Things about Stuff -- EE 14N
Engineering the Micro and Nano Worlds: From Chips to Genes -- EE 17N
What is Nanotechnology? -- EE 21N
Medical Imaging Systems -- EE 22N
Electronics Rocks -- EE 27N
Science of the Impossible -- MATSCI 82N
How Stuff Is Made -- ME 14N
Haptics: Engineering Touch -- ME 21N
Renaissance Machine Design -- ME 21N
Think Like a Designer -- ME 26N

Preference to Sophomores

Electric Automobiles and Aircraft -- AA 116Q
Medical Device Innovation -- BIOE 70Q
Accessing Architecture Through Drawing -- CEE 31Q
Environmental Regulation and Policy -- CHEMENG 60Q
Masters of Disaster -- CHEMENG 70Q
Art, Chemistry, and Madness: The Science of Art Materials -- CHEMENG 80Q
Japanese Companies and Japanese Society -- MATSCI 159Q
Teamology: Creative Teams and Individual Development -- ME 18Q
The Worldly Engineer -- ME 23Q
Product Realization: Making is Thinking -- ME 103Q
The Flaw of Averages -- MS&E 22Q
International Environmental Policy -- MS&E 92Q
Nuclear Weapons, Energy, Proliferation, and Terrorism -- MS&E 93Q

Engineering Fundamentals 

Engineering Fundamentals are technically rigorous introductory courses from a range of engineering disciplines. Almost every UG student in engineering must complete three of these courses, two of which are often specified by the major chosen. The Fundamentals options are listed below by topic.

BioE and/or ChemE:

ENGR 20. (S, 3 units) Overview of chemical engineering through discussion and engineering analysis of physical and chemical processes.
ENGR 25B. Biotechnology (S, 3 Units) Biology and chemistry fundamentals

ENGR 50M. Intro to Materials Science, Biomaterials Emphasis (W, 4 units) relationship between atomic structure and macroscopic properties of man-made and natural materials; mechanical and thermodynamic behavior of surgical implants
ENGR 80. Intro to Bioengineering (S, 4 units) Overview of bioengineering focused on engineering analysis and design of biological systems

ENGR 90. Environmental Science and Technology (A, 3 units) Introduction to environmental quality and technology of understanding environmental issues

ENGR 60. Engineering Economy (A, Sum 2012 is last offering; 3 Units) Fundamentals of economic analysis
ENGR 62. Intro to Optimization (A, S, 4 Units) Formulation and analysis of linear optimization problems

ENGR 40. Introductory Electonics (A, S; 5 units) Overview of electronic circuits & applications.
ENGR 40N. Engineering Wireless Networks (S, 5 units) A hands-on introduction to the design and implementation of modern wireless networks.
ENGR 40P. Physics of Electrical Engineering (W, 5 units) How everything from electrostatics to quantum mechanics is used in common high-technology products

ENGR 25E. Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use (W, 3 units) An introduction and overview to the challenges and opportunities of energy supply and consumption.
ENGR 50E. Introduction to Materials Science - Energy Emphasis (A, 4 units)
Materials structure, bonding and atomic arrangements leading to their properties and applications


ENGR 50. Intro to Materials Science, Nanotechnology Emphasis (S, 4 units) The structure, bonding, & atomic arrangements in materials leading to their properties & applications.

ENGR 14. Introduction to Solid Mechanics (A, W, S; 4 units) Introduction to engineering analysis using the principles of engineering solid mechanics.
ENGR 15. Dynamics (A, S; 3 units) The application of Newton's Laws to solve static and dynamic problems, particle and rigid body dynamics, freebody diagrams, and writing equations of motion.
ENGR 30. Engineering Thermodynamics (a, W, Sum; 3 units) The basic principles of thermodynamics

ENGR 70A (same as CS 106A). Programming Methodology (A,W,S,Sum; 5 units) Introduction to the engineering of computer applications
ENGR 70B (same as CS 106B). Programming Abstractions (A,W,S,Sum; 5 units) Abstraction and its relation to programming. Uses the programming language C++
ENGR 70X (same as CS 106X). Programming Abstractions Accelerated (A, 5 units) Intensive version of 106B

General Engineering:

ENGR 10. Intro to Engineering Analysis (A, Sum; 4 units) Integrated approach to the fundamental scientific principles that are the cornerstones of engineering analysis

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FAQ Submission

Submit your questions about undergraduate admissions to the Stanford Engineering student affairs team.

And be sure to check our Undergraduate Admissions Frequently Asked Questions page. The answer to your question may already be posted..

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