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Spotlight Science News

DNA-based electromechanical switch demonstrated

A team of researchers from the University of California, Davis and the University of Washington have demonstrated that the conductance of DNA can be modulated by controlling its structure, thus opening up the possibility ...

date2 hours ago in Nanophysics
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Three ISS astronauts land back on Earth

Three astronauts from the United States, Russia and Japan on Friday successfully completed a rare nighttime landing on Earth in the wintry Kazakh steppe after returning from the International Space Station.

date2 hours ago in Space Exploration
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Diagnostics with birefringence

ETH researchers led by Raffaele Mezzenga have developed a new diagnostic method. It is based on Birefringence, the ability of substances to change the polarization state of light. With this method, doctors around the world ...

date2 hours ago in Condensed Matter
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Upside-down lightning strikes

Upward lightning strikes initiate on the ground and head skyward. These discharges, which usually begin at the top of tall and slender structures, pose a real risk for wind turbines. An EPFL study analyzes the mechanisms ...

date4 hours ago in Earth Sciences
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NY judge suspends two fantasy sports websites

A New York judge on Friday ordered two fantasy sports websites to suspend operations in the state, pending a final decision on whether they are illegal gambling operations or games of skill.

Report cites 241 close encounters between pilots, drones

There have been at least 241 reports of close encounters between drones and manned aircraft that meet the U.S. government's definition of a near midair collision, including 28 in which pilots maneuvered to get out of the ...

Red deer make more out of less food during winter

During the winter season, northern-latitude herbivores must cope with a food supply that is both restricted and of poorer quality. The ability of red deer to handle these extreme situations was the focus of a study conducted ...

How to feed and raise a Wikipedia robo-editor

Wikipedia is to put artificial intelligence to the enormous task of keeping the free, editable online encyclopedia up-to-date, spam-free and legal. The Objective Revision Evaluation Service uses text-processing AI algorithms ...

Five ways chemicals can save the world from climate change

When it comes to the environment, the chemical industry doesn't have the best reputation. Yet it has a vital role to play in developing technological solutions to help save us from climate catastrophe, and could create significant ...

How sustainable is vertical farming?

The world's food system is beginning to strain under a global population expected to reach nine billion by 2050, by which time the planet's arable land is projected to be half of what it was in the 1970s. And as climate change ...

Research team cracks the walnut genome

Scientists at UC Davis have for the first time sequenced the genome of a commercial walnut variety. The information should accelerate the rate of breeding and variety improvement in walnuts and help breeders select for desired ...

CRISPR/Cas9 + HPSC = human PKD lab model
New culture model makes fallopian tube accessible
A focus on fatty eggs and fertility
Diabetes drug could protect the heart
Aural feedback for oral hygiene
'Smart' retainer keeps patients (and teeth) in line

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Swiss students are not fond of brain-doping

Switzerland has honest students: The vast majority of the students that were questioned were against pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Yet the topic should be addressed more actively by the universities, asks the study ...

Pollution whips up hazardous foam in Mexican river

Dead fish floating in fetid waters, swarms of mosquitos and clouds of foam whipped up by pollution: Activists say Mexico's Santiago River, among the dirtiest in Latin America, is making people sick.

Turkey fines Twitter over 'pro-terror' content

Turkey's communications regulator has imposed an unprecedented fine on Twitter for allowing the publication of content deemed to justify terror, the state-run Anatolia news agency said Friday.

How to build a real lightsaber

As even casual Star Wars fans will know, lightsabers are probably the coolest weapon ever to make an appearance on the big screen. Lightsaber fights are so elegant that they are almost hypnotic and, even though not all of ...

Why does tamoxifen work better in some women?
Neighborhoods impact health of South Asian women in US
Do you really need that MRI?

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