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ARCS: Achievement Rewards for College Scientists

About ARCS

The Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar Fellowship recognizes outstanding students in the natural sciences and engineering who demonstrate the potential to make significant contributions to the scientific and technological strength of the nation.

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ARCS fellowships are by nomination only.

Contact your Dean’s office for more information

Recent News

Sep 11 2015 | Stanford News
The extraordinary strength of the present El Niño may lead to a particularly wet winter in California, but Noah Diffenbaugh and Daniel Swain say that it might not be enough to end California's worst drought on record. Daniel Swain is a 2015 ARCS Fellow. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Mar 24 2015 | Stanford News
Silicon isn't the only chip-making material under the sun, just the cheapest. But a new process could make the alternative material, gallium arsenide, more cost effective. Computer chips, solar cells and other electronic devices have traditionally been based on silicon, the most famous of the...