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Public Discontent Has Fueled The Trump Phenomenon

by Victor Davis Hansonvia Tribune Media Services
Thursday, December 10, 2015

The more analysts try to figure out Donald Trump’s appeal, the more they sound baffled.

Analysis and Commentary

Rational Security: The "Irrational Security" Edition

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Thursday, December 10, 2015

This week on the show, Susan Hennessey joins us again. Shane talks about President Obama's effort to reassure the nation that ISIS is not winning. We discuss Donald Trump's different sort of plan to keep America safe—and whether Trump himself constitutes a threat to national security.


Can Trump, Cruz Win Over GOP's "Four Factions"?

by Peter Berkowitzvia Real Clear Politics
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Republicans who actually want their party to win the White House next year are increasingly worried.

In the News

The American Presidency Is Incredibly Powerful

quoting Harvey C. Mansfieldvia Vox
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Over at Polyarchy, Vox's other independent blog, Lee Drutman has a clever and systematically thought-out piece on the possible outcomes of a Trump presidency. My specific quibbles with his speculations about Trump are limited, but his analysis has prodded me to write something I've been thinking about quite a bit lately.


Bill Whalen On The John Batchelor Show (5:25)

interview with Bill Whalenvia The John Batchelor Show
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Bill Whalen discusses the presidential race and his latest Forbes piece "Donald Trump Did Republicans A Big Favor."

Analysis and Commentary

An Interesting Question About Donald Trump

by Benjamin Wittesvia Lawfare
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

On Twitter, NYU Law Professor Robert Howse posed a very interesting question about Donald Trump.

In the News

Proposed Ban On Muslims’ Entry Isn’t Hurting Trump — Yet

quoting Bill Whalenvia San Francisco Chronicle
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is once again testing the notion that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.

Analysis and Commentary

Donald Trump Did Republicans A Big Favor

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Something to ponder while we go through this latest round of Trump hysteria over his call to block all Muslims from entering the U.S.: The Donald may have done his fellow Republican presidential hopefuls a big, big favor.

In the News

This Time, Clinton's Closer To The Public Mood Than Obama

quoting Michael McFaulvia Politico
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

They hold the same security positions as in 2008, but now she has the advantage.

In the News

After San Bernardino, How The Foreign Policy Debate May Be Shifting For GOP Candidates

quoting Kori Schakevia The Washington Post
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The mass shooting in San Bernardino has triggered an avalanche of tough-talking rhetoric from the 2016 GOP presidential field, but it has not cleared up the muddle of foreign-policy positions that, so far, have defined the race.
