America’s Most Dangerous Demagogue Lives in the White House

by David French

There’s a demagogue loose in the land. He uses immigration and the war on terror to drive a wedge ...

by John Fund

The winners in any Sore Election Losers contest this year have to be the leftist leaders of Argentina and Venezuela. ...

by David Harsanyi

‘Is this what Germany looked like in 1933?” Joe Scarborough asked on Morning Joe this week. No. Not at all. #ad#...

The Hidden Reason Why Americans Dislike Islam

by David French

Yesterday, YouGov and the Huffington Post released a poll showing that large majorities of Americans -- and pluralities across every ...

by Michelle Malkin

President Obama claims that restricting immigration in order to protect national security is “offensive and contrary to American values.” No-limits ...

by Travis Kavulla

The news out of the Paris climate talks is not exactly photogenic. So editors, searching for a visual, have relied ...

The Anti-Science, Anti-Nuclear Left

by Robert Bryce

Among the favorite claims of climate-change activists is that anyone who dares to disagree with their worldview is a “denier,” ...

by Armond White

Councilwoman Resigns over the the Word ‘Christmas’ in Town’s ‘Christmas Tree Lighting’ Ceremony

by Katherine Timpf

A councilwoman in Roselle Park, New Jersey is resigning because her borough decided to call its Christmas tree-lighting ceremony a “...

To Modulate Drug Prices, We Need Less — Not More — Government Involvement

by Henry I. Miller & John J. Cohrssen

In order to control escalating U.S. drug prices that seem to be disconnected from research, development, and manufacturing costs, ...

Do you wonder why America’s public mental-health system has fallen apart? Why seriously mentally ill individuals stand sentry on ...


It’s Time to End Racial Discrimination for Good

by The Editors

What is it with the University of Texas and race-based admissions? The Supreme Court told them to knock it off ...

by Michael Barone

As the week began, I planned to write this column about some implications of Barack Obama’s Sunday-night Oval Office ...

GOP Rep: ‘Dozens’ of Terror Plots Brewing ‘In Kansas Today’

by Joel Gehrke

Counterterrorism officials are tracking dozens of plots brewing Kansas, of all places, according to a member of the House Permanent ...

by Rich Lowry

To believe his critics, Donald Trump has ripped up the U.S. Constitution and sprinkled its shreds on the smoldering ...

The Real Significance of That Russian Nuclear Torpedo

by Joseph, Miller & Payne

On November 12, Russian president Vladimir Putin staged a televised meeting with his senior defense team, during which a briefing slide ...