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Business Day

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Uber’s experiment with autonomous vehicles is proceeding with the blessing of city officials, who have pretty much just stayed out of the way.

Uber cars prepare to roll through Pittsburgh to map out the roads and topography before the introduction of the company’s driverless vehicles.
Jeff Swensen for The New York Times

Uber cars prepare to roll through Pittsburgh to map out the roads and topography before the introduction of the company’s driverless vehicles.

Potent Critiques of NBC Forum Raise Stakes for Moderators

Criticisms over a prime-time forum hosted by Matt Lauer foreshadow the scrutiny, and anxiety, facing the anchors presiding over a trio of Trump-Clinton debates.

Gawker’s New Owner Deletes Six Posts Involved in Lawsuits

Univision, which bought Gawker Media last month, believed that it was obligated to delete the posts because it did not assume Gawker’s liabilities, according to a memo.

Real-Time Election Day Projections May Upend News Tradition

VoteCastr, a Silicon Valley company, plans to report early election results in key states, raising concerns about an effect on how people vote.

The Upshot

How to Become a C.E.O.? The Quickest Path Is a Winding One

New evidence shows that a mix of skills, especially technology skills, counts more than simply long experience in one specialty.

Facebook Restores Iconic Vietnam War Photo It Censored for Nudity

The social network was criticized for removing the image of a naked girl fleeing napalm, renewing questions about the company’s role in what can be published online.

With Pensions Like This ($315 a Month), Chileans Wonder How They’ll Ever Retire

In the wake of mass protests over the nation’s privatized system, once hailed by President George W. Bush, the government is looking for ways to change it.

Dropout by Dartmouth Raises Questions on Health Law Cost-Savings Effort

Dartmouth faced mounting financial losses in a federal program that is in the vanguard of efforts to move Medicare away from a fee-for-service system.


The Bull Is Still Running. So Why Are Investors Tiptoeing?

Many market strategists warn that caution, rather than greed-induced euphoria, is appropriate at this stage of the seven-year-old bull market.


A Robot May Be Training to Do Your Job. Don’t Panic.

Robots that can recognize emotions are in development, and they could someday move into roles reserved for humans. But it’s an opportunity, not a threat.

Hudson Yards Coming Into Focus

It’s happening slowly, and there are still rough edges. But building by building, Hudson Yards is finally taking shape.

Neighborhood Joint

Once Upon a Tart, Reborn in SoHo

The French bakery reopened under different ownership in 2014, and though there were several changes, the recipes for the shop’s famous scones, muffins and tarts were not altered.

Future Tense

The Trauma of Violent News on the Internet

How violent images and news on the internet may be more traumatic for some viewers than those in traditional media.

With Wearable Tech Deals, New Player Data Is Up for Grabs

A new, $170 million deal could allow Nike to harvest personal data from Michigan athletes through wearable tech, raising concerns over privacy and who should control such information.

‘Sully’ Is Latest Historical Film to Prompt Off-Screen Drama

An investigator of the plane crash at the center of the story disputes events as portrayed — which may be beside the point in a Hollywood film.

Wells Fargo Offers Regrets, but Doesn’t Admit Misconduct

The case reflects a trend in which regulators fine financial institutions and require changes, but not an admission of wrongdoing.

The Curious Case of Susan Estrich

The legal scholar puzzles feminists with her staunch defense of her onetime political opponent Roger Ailes.

Farhad’s and Mike’s Week in Tech: The iPhone’s Super Mario Moment

Apple is killing the headphone jack but helping revive Nintendo’s great franchise with Super Mario Run, coming exclusively to iOS.

The Upshot

Why Taxing Fairly Means Not Taxing Inheritances

The estate tax is a popular tool to fight income inequality, but it violates the simple principle that similar people should have similar tax burdens.

Fair Game

Monsanto Whistle-Blower: $22 Million Richer, but Not Satisfied

The former employee at the agribusiness company said he was still bothered that management was not held accountable for years of accounting violations.

Scene Stealers

Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop Go Into the Fashion Business

Focused on a new clothing line, the actress steps further away from movies.

What Could I Possibly Learn From a Mentor Half My Age? Plenty

How Snapchat lessons from a younger colleague, whose job didn’t exist five years ago, stretched a New York Times editor professionally and personally.

The Haggler

Why Aren’t They in Jail? Here’s One Company Head Who Is

The Haggler finds out that an Alabama businessman actually is in jail — for defrauding the federal government. But customer complaints about his business sent him there early.

Those Who Defended Roger Ailes, and Those Who Now Regret it (Geraldo Rivera, Greta Van Susteren)

In a long Facebook post, Mr. Rivera recanted his defense of Roger Ailes. Here is a guide to those who rushed to defend Mr. Ailes before Fox settled the claims against him.

Apple Is Said to Be Rethinking Strategy on Self-Driving Cars

The company has closed parts of its self-driving car project and laid off dozens of employees, according to three people briefed on the subject.

Moda Operandi: A Haven for the Haves

The e-commerce website offers a private shopping experience on Madison Avenue for its exclusive clientele.


A Linguist Helping Apps Learn to Speak Millennial

Marsal Gavalda, director of machine intelligence at the social network Yik Yak, works on a system that analyzes users’ posts for patterns and emotions.

Reliably Red Ohio County Finds Both Trump and Clinton Hard to Stomach

Many residents of Delaware County, which last voted for a Democratic president in 1916, simply cannot imagine voting for either candidate.


Older Entrepreneurs Take On the ‘Concrete Ceiling’

Despite the challenges, older people are creating their own ventures, with some getting help from government as well as AARP and other private groups.

Corner Office

Aron Ain of Kronos: The Incalculable Value of a Good Boss

Mr. Ain, chief executive of Kronos, a maker of work force management software, says leadership is the greatest factor that affects shareholder value.

Wealth Matters

Owning a Vineyard: The Days of Wine Are Not All Rosy

Even for those skilled in business, separating the romance from the financial reality of producing and selling grapes and wine is not easy.

Your Money

What Should a Cubs Fan Pay to Realize a Lifelong Dream?

For the chance to see their team in the World Series for the first time in 71 years, some fans are prepared to dig deep, and others may get creative.

Your Money Adviser

A Little Nagging Can Help Reduce Credit Card Debt

A study found that some simple rules about using credit led some consumers to carry less credit card debt.

From The Magazine
On Money

How Much Do We Really Know About Global Trade’s Impacts?

On the surprisingly murky economics of globalization.

Editors’ Picks

The Risk of Rent-to-Own Homes

A new breed of landlord is blurring the line between renter and homeowner.

Takata’s Road to a Deadly Airbag Crisis

How a once-obscure Japanese company found itself at the center of the auto industry’s biggest recall.

How China Is Changing Your Internet

What was once known as the land of cheap rip-offs may now offer a glimpse of the future.

  • All Sources
  • The New York Times

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From Sunday Business

Venture Communism: How China Is Building a Start-Up Boom

The Chinese government is lavishing benefits like free rent and cash handouts on homegrown start-ups in an effort to move beyond the factory floor.

Goodbye, Ivory Tower. Hello, Silicon Valley Candy Store.

The promise of big data and big paychecks is drawing some of academia’s top economists to study consumer behavior for tech companies like Airbnb, Amazon and Uber.

Fair Game

EpiPen Price Rises Could Mean More Riches for Mylan Executives

Filings show that under a one-time stock grant created in 2014, top executives stand to reap riches at least partly on the back of price increases on the EpiPen.