GSC considers free speech bills

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) took a first look Wednesday at legislation concerning freedom of speech and political expression authored by ASSU Vice President Andy Parker ’11 and ASSU Undergraduate Senator Adam Creasman ’11.

The proposed constitutional amendment, which addresses freedom of political association, is still a work in progress.

“This is not a legally well-crafted document, and we’re seeking the advice of ACLU and other professionals,” Creasman said.

The amendment details how the University shall not, “in word or deed, abridge the right of members to freedoms of speech, press, expression, or political advocacy which citizens of the United States are granted by law.”

ASSU President and coterminal student in computer science David Gobaud also took time during the meeting to outline and recap the State of the Association speech given on Feb. 18.

The GSC then discussed joint special fees groups and Senate-GSC funding.

ASSU Undergraduate Elections Commissioner Quinn Slack ’11 also noted that Assistant Commissioner for Graduate Elections and co-terminal student in biology Ashwin Mudaliar stepped down from his post, and that a replacement is needed. The position’s responsibilities include publicity for events, advertising for the election and managing graduate student turnout and polling stations.

The council also voted on funding requests for Stanford Alpine Project, Stanford Students for Life, French Stanford Student Association, Stanford Student Biodesign & Biopharma, Israeli Student Organization and the Jewish Graduate Student Union.

About Ellen Huet

Ellen Huet is currently a senior staff writer at The Daily; she joined the staff in fall 2008 and served one volume as managing news editor in fall and early winter of 2010-2011. Reach her at ehuet at stanford dot edu. Fan mail and sternly worded complaints are equally welcome.