Tweets by @TheDishDaily

@KPCBEdge's @AnjneyMidha says no choice btw #BTC & #blockchain. How abt co's like @ethereum or @chain focused on blockchain? #Consensus2015: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
@JohnEdgex says the #SiliconValley approach (a few coder wunderkinds in garage) to #fintech wont work.. #Consensus2015: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
@KiteVC talking blockchain as means to build nat'l infrastructure (land titling, birth records, etc) crucial for development #Consensus2015: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
"Why r there 20 diff innovation hubs around blockchain? Biggest block 2 adoption may be the inability for humans 2 arrive at consensus": 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
@mikejcasey speaking about the varied uses of blockchain tech/btc beyond currency #Consensus2015 with @gyft, @expedia, @visa: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily
Will be live-tweeting @coindesk #Consensus2015 from yours truly @iamwillkim: 3 months ago, The Dish Daily


Marc Andreessen’s view from the top (part 1 of 2)

Marc Andreessen spoke at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business on Tuesday to a packed audience that included his wife, Laura Arillaga-Andreessen, and his father-in-law, John Arillaga.



Andreessen covered topics from his views on the current tech landscape to how he assesses entrepreneurial talent to his partnership with Ben Horowitz. He also shared thoughts about journalism.

Despite the fact that many MBAs (Stanford and elsewhere) are flocking to the industry, Andreessen is adamant that there is not a tech bubble. He said it was simply entering a mature phase. He would not discuss Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp, noting that he was on Facebook’s board. He compared today’s companies with shell companies of the late 1990s that ignored details in favor of deals. He said today’s startups are not as strong in the sales and marketing space.

Andreessen joked that MBAs could find roles in startups by trying to become a Sheryl Sandberg equivalent: a high-powered businessperson with deep expertise and a willingness to be a No. 2 person to a tech founder. He cited other examples such as Bill Campbell (who partnered with Scott Cook at Intuit) and Dick Costolo. He said when great pairings like the ones above occur, teams can really crack the code and make 1+1=3.

Andreessen said that as he and Horowitz created their venture fund they talked to many VCs but the only two VCs who provided much help were Jim Breyer (Accel) and Aneel Bhusri (Greylock and Workday). Bhusri tweeted to The Dish Daily that it was nice of Andreessen to say that, “but he didn’t need much help :-).”

He noted that Andreessen Horowitz was built on the notion that a VC firm could empower an entrepreneur with a large network of recruiters, reporters, customers, CIOs, CTOs and other business contacts that VCs typically possess.

Andreessen noted that there are roughly 4,000 startups each year that contact his firm and that his firm only invests in 20. His — and the other VCs at A16Z’s — job is to crush entrepreneurs’ hearts and dreams.

He said out of the thousands of business plans they narrow the number of investible companies to a couple of hundred and that the hardest thing to decide is whom to invest in among the couple of hundred. Within that couple of hundred, there are teams that are fundable by any of the top tier VC firms. Each year, there are probably 15 companies that will generate 95 percent of the industry’s returns. Andreessen said that “even the top VCs tank half of their deals and that funding is not a complete validation of a startup’s idea.”

He said the best founders have a combination of courage and genius, and that one of the A16Z partners liked to quote Fridriech Nietzche, saying that those entrepreneurs have the will to power.These courageous entrepreneurs “simply will not stop.”

He also belittled the oft-repeated notion in Silicon Valley that it is acceptable to fail; he doesn’t buy it.  A16Z believe “failure sucks.” He said that the most exciting startups are led by the bright founder who can walk an investor through an idea maze and move the investor from a crazy position to a point where it seems like an executable idea in the real world.

See part two of our coverage here.

This post was originally published on before it was acquired by The Stanford Daily in summer 2014.