Let’s go green by going brown
AVI BAGLA/The Stanford Daily

Let’s go green by going brown

Looking around the lush, green Stanford campus, with lawns and palm trees aplenty, Stanford cultivates an image of a paradise. That image makes it easy to forget that California continues to experience the worst drought of our lifetimes. Last year California had the lowest recorded rainfall in its 163-year recorded history. The formation of the Stanford-named Ridiculously Resilient Ridge, a high pressure system that blocked the much needed rain from hitting the California coast for the past three years, is responsible for our state’s severe water scarcity. Currently 79 percent of California is in extreme drought and 55 percent is in exceptional drought conditions, a category of drought so bad that the US drought monitor had to invent a whole new one.

Stanford is making great strides in water conservation. When the new Stanford Energy Systems Innovation project comes online, Stanford will cut water use by up to 18 percent on campus and the completion of the Stanford water recycling plant will further reduce Stanford water usage while exploring the future of water resources. Over 13,000 water-saving appliances have been installed across campus from dorms to dining halls.

But the largest use of water on campus is all around us in a very literal sense: the lawns and other non-native, water intensive vegetation on campus. Over 40 percent of all (from both lake and drinking sources) campus water use on campus is used solely for irrigation. Yet the only irrigation measures apparently taken so far have been forced watering restrictions on faculty housing, limiting watering to two days a week.

Stanford is by far the largest campus in the United States and second largest in the world, and we maintain a vast array of luscious lawns in a region where lawns are far from native. In comparison to our UC rivals, we use more than three times the amount of water used by UCLA (3.34 million gallons per day vs 0.8 mgd), and while Stanford still looks ready for Alumni Weekend brunch, UC Santa Cruz has essentially stopped all watering, even going as far as reducing irrigation for their football field by 45 percent. Despite being in the midst of the worst drought in our state’s recorded history, Stanford is as green and as water-guzzling as ever.

Sprinklers run every night across campus, watering sidewalks as well as the grass, leaving precious puddles of water in the morning. One exemplary case is Canfield Court where the lawn surrounding the statue Vanguard is in a constant state of mud due to overwatering. Not only are our irrigation practices clearly wasteful, economically unsound and environmentally disastrous, they are completely illegal under the new California water restrictions enacted by Governor Jerry Brown. Each misaligned sprinkler watering the concrete could lead to a $500 fine to the University. Beyond the potential fines, our excessive water usage is threatening four federally protected endangered species, including the tiger salamander and steelhead trout, in our local watershed.

Clearly we are doing something wrong.

It goes without saying that Stanford is proud to be a beautiful campus (if not the most beautiful in the world), but there is a simple, practical solution to maintain our beautiful campus while also saving and conserving precious water. Take a look up around the Dish and at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve and you will find a wide diversity of native California vegetation that had been adapting to the dry arid chaparral climate of the foothills for years. And the species native to this area are not only incredibly drought-tolerant but they are equally stunning to look at. California poppies, coast live oaks and Indian paint brushes are some of the most impressive and iconic California plants and they don’t require any watering at all; the rain will suffice. The solution to our irrigation problem is literally across Junipero Serra Road. Xeriscaping is the process of utilizing native and other non-water-intensive plants, and if Stanford were to implement it, we could drastically cut our campus irrigation.

Looking at Stanford’s cactus gardens as an example, it is clear that an area can be beautiful without using significant amounts of water. Obviously, key spaces like the Oval and football and dozens of athletic and recreational fields can continue to be watered (we need the practice to Beat Cal this weekend), but there are dozens of lawns all across our campus that are not only superfluous but downright wasteful.

Stanford University is home to some of the foremost world experts on water management and policy like professors Buzz Thompson and David Freyberg; Stanford’s Woods Institute even recently hosted California’s Hamilton Project featuring Governor Jerry Brown to discuss the future of water policy. Yet we still have not significantly cut our own water usage since the onset of this epic drought; Stanford has only cut its water usage by three percent. Stanford needs to practice what it preaches. From the School of Earth Systems to the d.school, the brainpower exists for us to beautify our campus while also using less water, saving our campus money and protecting vital local ecosystems.

It’s time for Stanford to wake up and smell the wild roses and lupen, and get rid of our obsession with green lawns. We urge the University to start xeriscaping campus with drought-tolerant native plants, especially at new green spaces on campus like the one to replace Meyer Library. We can keep Stanford a gorgeous campus, preserve vital local ecosystems and save campus resources during this severe California drought.

Contact Joe Troderman at jtrod93 ‘at’ stanford.edu. This piece was co-authored by Zachary Gold. Zachary Gold ’15 is the co-president of Students for a Sustainable Stanford, majoring in marine biology and minoring in environmental engineering; contact him at zgold ‘at’ stanford.edu.

About Joe Troderman

Joe Troderman is a columnist for The Stanford Daily. He is a member of the class of 2016 from Canton, Mass. (it's near Boston) pursuing a major in chemical engineering. Joe is passionate about the environment and enjoys playing poor-quality improvisational music on any stringed instrument he can find. To contact him, please mail him at jtrod93 'at' stanford.edu or P.O. Box 13387, Stanford, Calif. (even if it is just ad hominem attacks on his character, it will make his day to receive a letter that isn't for car insurance or bank accounts).
  • Steve Rothert

    Good article Joe and Zach. Your readers should also be aware that Stanford is about to make a major decision that also will affect whether the university deserves to be considered green. That is, what will it do with Searsville Dam on Jasper Ridge? Right now, the dam blocks endangered Steelhead trout from reaching miles of spawning habitat upstream, and dries out the creek downstream of the dam. The Searsville Alternatives Study Steering Committee, made up of faculty and staff, will make a recommendation within 3 weeks to the President and Provost, whether to: leave the dam and place as is, modify it or remove it. Many believe the dam can be removed in a way that can improve downstream flood safety and protect the meager water supply the dam provides that helps water the lush green golf course and landscaping you wrote about. Stanford should go green by going dam free.

  • Matt Stoecker

    Great article and call to action! The biggest irrigation and creek dewatering issue by far is the Stanford golf course. The course is responsible for most of the creek water withdrawals from Stanford’s dams and reservoirs; misleadingly named their “Lake” water system. Fortunately, Stanford can remove the most destructive feature of this system, Searsville Dam, through existing off-stream storage and a damless diversion they have. extensive lawns, an overly irrigated golf course, and an unnecessary dam that blocks steelhead trout runs is the peak of California water hypocrisy. Stanford can reverse this ironic reality and ensure a more sustainable future by following this articles recommendations, removing Searsville Dam, and reducing the irrigated footprint of the golf course.

  • Matt
  • More smart initiatives less BS

    If we’ve only cut our water usage by 3%, why did we even bother turning off our water fountains? I imagine those didn’t even make up a significant portion of the 3%. Turning off the fountains eliminated a critical tradition in Stanford history–fountain hopping–and had no significant impact on our water usage. We’re still in a drought, and if we were to actually run out of water altogether one day (we won’t–but that’s an argument for another day), turning off the fountains wouldn’t have made that day come an hour sooner.

    I agree that conserving water is important, but lets not lose our heads trying to make statements. Irrigation is a great place to look (because of the 40% stat), but only to see if we can do it smarter, not to “go brown”. One of the reasons Stanford attracts some of the brightest talent is the world is that it looks nice–let’s not kid ourselves into thinking it would look nearly as good without the green vegetation on campus.

    In short, I would take environmental efforts much more seriously if we turned the fountains back on. The fountains recycle their water and clearly make up a negligible percentage of our water usage, so the fact that they’re off simply signifies that the people running Stanford’s environmental initiatives are either ignorant or only in the business of making environmental statements, not actually helping the environment.

  • Scott

    Why isn’t golf course using reclaimed water like the City of Palo Alto and Pebble Beach golf courses? Is it that hard to engineer?

  • SaveWater

    Great article and I hope it will lead to some much needed action. I just started at Stanford a few months ago and the tremendous waste of water makes me furious every time I bike home late at night when the sprinklers are on. The daycare facility at Escondido and Stanford Ave is The Worst, with rivers of clean water gushing down the street in the evenings. I really wish someone actually enforced the watering restrictions – the sheer number of violators on and off campus I pass on my daily commute is striking.

  • maddogsfavsnpiks

    I’d like to echo the sentiments expressed below in this comment section, and in this fine, informative and well-written article. Kudos to Joe and Zach, and please keep up the good work of keeping us informed.
    Also, please follow up on the recommendations of the SASS Committee, and other important decisions and/or actions that should be planned to pressure Stanford authorities into taking a much more strenuous, thorough and decisive approach to California’s water problems and the further extinction of marine and fresh-water animal and wildlife. (– Or inaction, as the case may be.)
    Over the past 6 years, or so, I’ve spent a lot of time in and around Las Vegas, Nevada. Talk about a Ridiculously Resilient Ridge ! (RRR) From the hills in the eastern side of the broad valley, one can easily view storm clouds approaching from the west and southwest (like the water-laden residues from the series of recent hurricanes that blew into or past Baja this Fall. Then when they hit Las Vegas they are literally vaporized before my eyes.
    Furthermore, Lake Mead’s water level has dropped so precipitously (how’s that for an ironic choice of words) it’s blue surface is now barely visible from LV’s eastern hilltops. Soon swimming in what was once the largest man-made lake in the country (and 2nd largest in the world, if i’m not mistaken?) will be a dried up memory.
    Where will the 15 million +/- people who live in El Lay, Phoenix and metropolitan Las Vegas (including Henderson, Boulder, North Las Vegas and Paradise – where all the big newer and most opulent/extravagant casinos are situated) then get their power and water supplies ??
    Will the shortages lead to what some predict – a series of water wars ?!
    And yet, Vegas residents seem supremely unconcerned, as at night it’s not hard to find streams of water flowing down the gutters from watered lawns, lush green golf courses (in the burning desert, no less !) and other sources of waste.
    I often ask residents I meet there, what are they gonna do when the Lake runs dry ?
    “Oh, they’ll take care of it !”, is the typical response from uninformed, clue-less citizens.
    Have we created a vast system of artificial environments (in homes, offices, stores, etc), heated in the winters, air-conditioned in the summers, that will lead to our own destruction ?
    Once again, thanks so much to Joe and Zach, and others who’ve spoken up here. Your knowledge and concern is cause for hope in what I’ve tended to view as a hopeless situation. Keep on doin’ whatchur doin’.