Thomas Friedman talks divestment at Daniel Pearl Memorial Lecture

During a discussion with the Stanford community at Cemex Auditorium on Feb. 8, Thomas L. Friedman said he was “not for divestment” from companies allegedly aiding Israel. A three-time Pulitzer Prize winner and columnist for The New York Times covering international affairs, Friedman has written extensively on the Middle East.


Courtesy of Mike Amerikaner

The conversation was part of a lecture commemorating Daniel Pearl ’85, a Wall Street Journal reporter murdered by Al-Qaeda in 2002 when he was investigating a terrorist nexus in Pakistan. After Pearl’s former classmates and father delivered their speeches, Friedman talked with three Stanford students about Middle East situations and journalism.

When asked about his opinions on the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement intending to put pressure on Israel, including the ongoing divestment campaign at Stanford, Friedman voiced his concerns that such movements are not compatible with the two-state solution. At the same time, he also expressed his opposition to Israeli settlements in Palestine beyond the peace map, which he believed “could well lead to the death of Israel as a Jewish democracy.”

“I would fight the BDS movement as if there are no settlements,” Friedman said. “And I will oppose the settlements as if there is no BDS movement.”

To him, both are exacerbating the situation and sabotaging the possibility of a two-state solution.

“So I’m not for divestment,” Friedman said. “I’m for investment. Tell me that you’re going to invest in seeds of peace.”

Friedman also referred more concretely to investing in funds that epitomize Israelis’ and Palestinians’ collaborative efforts, such as the U.S.-based New Israel Fund, which describes its goal as “advancing democracy and equality for all Israelis.”

He also mentioned the violence committed by regimes in countries such as Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt and noted that he would not consider divestment specifically aimed at Israel until similar divestment campaigns focusing on these other countries have begun.

To Friedman, the key to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is the Clinton Parameters, which he considered a “very good, fair, just plan.” According to the Clinton Parameters, first proposed by former President Bill Clinton in 2000, Palestine would constitute the Gaza Strip and roughly 95 percent of the West Bank, with the remaining land available for Israeli settlements. In exchange, one to three percent of the Israeli territory would be ceded to Palestine.

Friedman envisioned the Parameters as the only practical way to bring peace to the Middle East.

“If you are for that plan, you are my friend; if you are not for that plan, you are not my friend,” Friedman said.

Having been criticized by people and organizations both pro- and anti-Israeli settlements, Friedman said he was not critical of Israel, but only “fairly critical of certain Israeli policies by certain Israeli governments.”

He added that he does not work for the Jewish press and has been observing the Middle East situation from his own perspective. Despite some disapproval of Israeli actions, he spoke of his feelings for Israel as “tough love” and believed that “tough love is the only true love.”


Contact Qitong Cao at qitong ‘at’

  • stanford student

    Think it’s pretty important to note that the divestment on campus was not BDS. If you care to research both positions, there is a very large difference.

  • mxm123

    “Don’t let anyone tell you the sanctions are meaningless ” – Thomas Friedman.

    That’s our hypocrite Tom Friedman advocating sanctions against Russia for, you guessed it, Occupying another peoples land in violation of International Law. But when it comes to Israel, Friedman goes into his selective amnesia.

    The man who called for the invasion of Iraq, sanctions against Ukraine etc suddenly goes all diplomatic when it comes to Israeli Settlements and the violation of international law.

    How does Friedman plan to “oppose the settlements” when almost the entire world has opposed the settlements to no consequence ? Therein lies the mendacity of Thomas Friedman. His proposals like the New Israel Fund are shams and he knows it. None of that nonsense has reduced Israeli Settlement building by one iota. He knows that vacuous opposition to Israeli settlements have repeatedly proven futile, but by God lets oppose any sanctions. Cause after all sanctions are meaningless. Oh wait.

  • Guest

    Ehud Barak accepted Clinton’s plan. Arafat walked away and
    started an intifada. Ehud Olmert offered the palestinians an even more generous plan. Abbas walked away.
    Friedman neglected to mention that little factoid. There is not much more of Israel to give away to the Arab people who already have 21 countries in the region.

  • Guest

    So, I guess this means, that by Friedman’s definition of ‘friend’, the palestinians cannot be his friends.

  • Guest

    Friedman also talked about the Saudi Peace plan. What if all the
    countries of the Arab League were sincere and Israel signed a peace agreement
    which required them to go back to the indefensible 1967 borders and accept a
    generous helping of Arabs into Israel in 2002? Today – Arab countries are
    decaying rapidly, can’t even get along with each other. Jews are gone,
    Christians threatened – Libya, Syria, Yemen, Hamas, Iraq Hezbollah, ISIS,
    Muslim brotherhood, etc, etc. Why won’t Friedman admit publicly that Saudi plan
    would have been dangerous for Israel and remains a dangerous idea today.

  • mxm123

    “indefensible 1967 borders ” – False. But good talking points to cover for the theft of land for settlements nevertheless.
    “Jews are gone” – For which they got the land of Israel.
    “Saudi plan would have been dangerous for Israel” – As true as saying unravelling apartheid in South Africa would have been dangerous because Africa was a dangerous place.

  • mxm123

    “Ehud Barak accepted Clinton’s plan. ” – False. He “accepted” with reservations, which was not exactly an acceptance as portrayed here.

    “There is not much more of Israel to give away to the Arab people who already have 21 countries in the region.” – Hasbara Talking Point Alert. Palestinians are asking for land that does not belong to Israel.

    How would you react if someone states that your religion , whatever it is, has members in 21 countries so i’m going to kick you out of mine. Oh wait never mind.

  • Guest

    Seeds of Peace is a concrete thing, it’s a real organization that connects Israeli and Palestinian youth. Do your research.

  • Guest

    How would you react if your religion, whatever it is, only had one country, and a people/religion with 22 countries said you can’t have that one? Oh wait never mind.

    Did you know that Jews were actually kicked out of Arab countries after 1948? Whereas Arabs were never kicked out of Israel. (Many voluntarily left when the Arab countries told them to to avoid the war they were launching against Israel.) Arabs who did stay within Israel became full Israeli citizens, as they are to this day. And those living West Bank, while yes are still under a military occupation, were not kicked out.

  • Guest

    “Did you know that Jews were actually kicked out of Arab countries” – For which they got the land of Israel. And now you want to condone stealing land.

    “Whereas Arabs were never kicked out of Israel.” – Tell that to the millions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Leaving in times of war does not relinquish ones right to their land.

  • ThisIsPalestine

    1. Ethnically cleanse all your Jews.
    2. Force them to go to Israel.
    3. Claim the Jews of Israel are “European colonialists” who have no business in the Middle East.
    4. Try to throw the Jews of Israel into the sea.
    5. Trick gullible Stanford students into believing that you have the moral high ground.

    All in a day’s work for the Arabs and their apologists.

  • das

    It wasn’t Jews kicked out then Israel. It was Israel then Jews kicked out.

    Since when has the war actually ended? There is still a military occupation in the West Bank and a blockade of Gaza (given back to Palestinians, lest you forget). And why is there still a occupation and blockade, because Arabs are still fighting against Israel. It hasn’t stopped.

    Want the occupation of the West Bank and blockade of Gaza to end? It’s really simple. All Palestinians, especially Hamas, has to do is lay down their arms, say they are done fighting Israel, and welcome Israel as their neighbors and publicly recognize they have a right to exist. The Israeli military would leave tomorrow.

  • mxm123

    It was Israel and Jews kicked out (and encouraged to immigrate) AND Palestinians kicked out.

    Gosh darn, you kick someone off their land and the fight back. What a shocker. And for the rest of your spiel its just that. Arab states have offered to recognize Israel for at least a decade. So quit regurgitating the same old falsehoods.

  • mxm123

    1. Ethnically cleanse Palestinians.

    2. Force them to live in ghettos.
    3. Claim the Palestinians never existed.
    4. Try to kick the rest off their lands
    5. Regurgitate the same old tiresome Hasbara

    And wonder why nobody buys into this nonsense.

  • robman012

    You totally destroyed him.

  • Word choices

    I love that you use “spiel”, which is Yiddish.

    Also interesting how you use “ghetto” to describe the treatment of Palestinians.

    Just observing, don’t read into it too much.

  • mxm123

    I even use the word Hasbara to describe what comes out of certain peoples mouth. And i don’t read into Hasbara too much either.

  • Zvi Akiva

    The heading based on the context of the story should be “Thomas Friedman talks against divestment at Daniel Pearl Memorial Lecture” Instead some anti-Israel zealot makes it seem that Friedman supports divestment, which he does not. Another proud moment for Joseph Goebbels. In today’s antisemitic (to be clear anti-Jewish) world it is fair game to underscore the propaganda approach of Edward 1st and Nazi Germany in coercing the public to hate Jews, It happened in the 1290’s and in the 1930’s. We are seeing it today in this paper and all around us. But lets be clear, hating the Jewish State of Israel is saying you hate Jews. You cannot have disdain for the holy city of Islam, Mecca, and say you support Muslims. You cannot say a Jew is allowed to exist but the Jewish State of Israel cannot. You cannot even be a Jew and say that Israel has no right to defend itself or exist. If you believe in human rights then you cannot ignore the plight of the Jews and the Jewish State in today’s antisemitic world that we see supported by the editors of this very paper.

  • Zvi Akiva

    You are saying that the factory my family had in Baghdad that we were not allowed to sell and were made to leave or die was a fair exchange for a cement shack on a piece of dust in Israel? You have to be a twisted person to think the persecution my family went through at the hands of Arabs in the 1950s was OK.

  • Zvi Akiva

    Let’s not forget that Palestinian children are taught with text books that never mention Israel. At Palestinian schools, Israel in not on a map or in the text of geography or history books. They teach their children to hate Jews just like the South taught their kids to hate black people. In Israel Jews are not allowed to live or buy property in certain Arab areas. Israeli Arabs can buy land anywhere. Palestinians are murdered by there own people when they sell land to Jews (not Israelis, but Jews).

  • Zvi Akiva

    Let’s be clear here. The Palestinians supported the Nazis during WWII. The Palestinians supported Saddam Hussein when Iraq invaded Kuwait. On 9/11 the Palestinians took to the street dancing and passing candy while the Israelis cried. Palestinians claimed Israel was behind that tragic day. How can you be an American and support the Palestinian propaganda? You can’t really can you.

  • mxm123

    Just like some Jews who collaborated with the Nazis. Or Israel supporting Apartheid South Africa. And we all know about the 9/11 “dancing” hoax.

    Give it a rest.

  • Zvi Akiva

    The Palestinians in Gaza don’t recognize Israel. Lebanon does not recognize Israel. Syria does not recognize Israel. Iraq does not recognize Israel. Besides Egypt and Jordan who were forced to do so, what Arab nations recognizes Israel and its right to exist? Gosh darn, you spew propaganda enough and dumb antisemitic people start believing it don’t they? Guess that’s what was taught in Joseph Goebbels 101.

  • mxm123

    Well ask Israel to show a map or Israel !!! And i guess you would call ethnically cleansing Palestinians off their land universal land.

    And yes quit the Hasbara about Israeli Arabs can buy land anywhere. The rest of us have heard about the discriminatory ways in which the land agency operates.

    Give it a rest.

  • mxm123

    If your family lost a home and valuables in Baghdad, so did Palestinian families. At least you got land in a country made for you. Not a holding pen called Gaza/West Bank

  • mxm123

    The Arab Plan has long recognized Israel. Quit spewing your unrelenting “victim” spiels.