SAE house to become non-themed row house

The Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) house will convert to a non-themed row house next year, with the address of the house, 1047 Campus Drive, serving as the name, according to University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin.

The house will be a self-op, and the residents living there next year will be purely based on housing draw. However, no SAE member will be eligible to draw into 1047 Campus Drive.

This decision followed the consideration of an appeal filed by the fraternity against the University’s suspension of its on-campus housing privileges, as a result of an investigation undertaken by the University regarding sexual harassment concerns. In late February, the University announced that it would uphold the fraternity’s two-year suspension.

The first phase of renovations to the house will be done over the summer, according to Lapin.

SAE will be eligible to reoccupy 1047 Campus Drive in fall 2017 after completing steps that include the development of a plan, which will be reviewed by University officials, for successful chapter and house management. If SAE’s plan is accepted, the fraternity will reoccupy the house.

However, the University does not have a final decision about the future of the house if SAE’s plan is not accepted.

“[I]f the plan is not accepted, no final decision has yet been made if 1047 Campus Drive will remain as a self-op, or be open to a theme or made available to other organizations,” Lapin wrote in an email to The Daily.


Contact Catherine Zaw at czaw13 ‘at’

About Catherine Zaw

Catherine Zaw was formerly the Managing Editor of News for Vol. 245 and Vol. 246. To contact her, please email
  • Firepup

    Is it true that the entire membership of SAE was on the bus?