Stanford Hospital needs to support resident families

To the editor:

March 20 was National Match Day: the day when medical students find out where they’re going to spend the next three to seven years of training, known as residency. Most of the new MDs will be focused on their new specialties, hospitals and cities. In the months that follow, concerns will turn to more mundane worries: housing, healthcare, childcare. Few, if any, realize the hardships they will face in the coming years.

Residency, the period of training that follows medical school prior to board certification, is supposed to be difficult. It’s a time of intense training and learning, one during which doctors learn both the art and science of practicing their chosen specialty. Residents work up to 80 hours each week, across nights, weekends and holidays. For this privilege — and it is absolutely a privilege to be in training — residents are paid a national average of around $13-16 per hour (calculated by dividing median salary by 60-80 hrs./week). First-year residents at Stanford Hospital have a post-tax adjusted gross income of $43,787 ($3,650 per month). Although the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment is over $2,200 per month in Palo Alto, this is still a living wage for single residents without children.

Consider, however, what happens when a resident has a child (after all, life happens). Policy makers in California use the Self Sufficiency Standard as proxy measure for poverty. In Santa Clara County, the self-sufficiency wage for two adults and one infant is $6,352 per month. If a resident’s partner cares for the child(ren) in lieu of work, the family will come so far below this level that they may even qualify for government assistance. If both partners work, then the family requires childcare. Unfortunately, residents are at the very bottom of the priority list for on-campus childcare at Stanford; many have spent years on the wait list. If and when they are allowed in, there is no subsidy for the cost: $2,110 per month. Those that make it off the waitlist thus often take out personal loans just to pay the bills.

Stanford does have a generous health benefits package for residents, and for that we are grateful. Still, the fact is that Stanford Hospital could do more to support residents if we were a priority. The hospital is in the top five for earnings for non-profit hospitals nationwide, taking in over $1 billion in excess revenue (akin to profit) over the last four years. Stanford Hospital is also paid more than $60 million each year by Medicare for training the approximately 1,100 residents and fellows who work here.  There are only 40 residents seeking childcare at Stanford right now; fully covering the cost of that childcare would be less than 0.1 percent of the annual benefits budget.

So, to the newly matched physicians: Welcome to Stanford. You are some of the best and brightest that our medical system has to offer, and your training here will be superb. Hopefully by the time you arrive, Stanford Hospital will have changed its policies to ensure that it is practical to be both a resident and a parent.


Timothy E. Sweeney M.D., Ph.D.

Resident, General Surgery

Elected Representative, Graduate Medical Education Committee

Stanford Hospital


Contact Timothy Sweeney at tes17 ‘at’ stanford.edu.


  • KeepingItReal

    Residents in general are severely (arguably criminally) underpaid. If medicine wants to be able to attract (or continue to attract) talent, residency salaries need to be increased. It is a complete joke that someone with 4+ years of post-graduate education is making 45-55k/year for periods of 3-8+ years while working 60-80 hours/week.

    Because of this, nobody should think physicians are “overpaid”. Making 300k is nothing when you have 200-300k+ loans (which become more like 500k+ after interest) to pay off right after school. This is all not even considering the opportunity cost of 8+ years of (virtually) lost wages while in school (or when making 50k as a resident/slave).

  • Emily Feistritzer

    Excellent, to-the-point article. Applies to residencies everywhere and should be heeded!

  • Another gen surg resident

    If you feel that you aren’t getting paid enough, just remember that there are plenty of other highly qualified people waiting in line behind you who would jump at a chance to take your spot and who wouldn’t complain about the pay.

  • Tim Sweeney

    That’s true. Like I said, treating patients here is a privilege. And I chose Stanford because in my heavily biased opinion, it’s the best place to train. Actually, your comment brings up two important points that merit further discussion. First, I don’t speak for all residents. I don’t know if you’re a resident here at Stanford, but there are around 1100 residents and fellows, and probably as many opinions about the child care issue. Second, for those that disagree that this is a problem, I would ask this simple question: would it hurt you somehow to see your colleagues’ family lives improved? In my experience, working parents are more tired and stressed than the average resident. Would it not help to diminish that burden?

  • Another resident

    Great article Tim. Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, this is another example of Stanford not giving a damn about one of if not the most important employees. The CEO is a schmuck. The hospital only sees $$$ as the bottom line. “Non-profit” my ass.

  • Yet another resident

    It’s not just benefits, some feel that residents should also command a higher wage. This is a national issue.
