Finley/Hill elected ASSU Executives

John-Lancaster Finley (left) and Brandon Hill (right) will be the new ASSU Executives.

John-Lancaster Finley (left) and Brandon Hill (right) will be the new ASSU Executives.

John-Lancaster Finley ’16 and Brandon Hill ’16 will be the new ASSU President and Vice President, respectively, the ASSU elections commission announced Saturday afternoon at CoHo.

In the final round of the ranked-choice balloting, Finley/Hill defeated the slate of Nikos Liodakis ’16 and Dottie Jones ’16 by a 102-vote difference, 1,797 to 1,695. The slate of Joe Troderman ’16 and Nitish Kulkarni ’16, “Divest from ASSU,” finished third. The slate of Mason Stricklin-Elam ’16 and Cassidy Elwood ’16, “Paradigm Shift,” finished fourth.

The elections commission also announced the results for the Undergraduate Senate, Graduate Student Council, annual grant and class presidential elections.

All groups that sought funding through the annual grant ballot process won their request, with the exception of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, the Inter-Fraternity Council, the Stanford Golf League, the Stanford Transhumanist Association, Club Sports and the Stanford Speakers Bureau.

Club Sports and the Stanford Speakers Bureau were petitioning for money from both the graduate and undergraduate student body. The reason their funding requests failed was that they could not secure “yes” votes from 15 percent of the combined student body.

The winning candidates for the ASSU Senate are Justice Tention ’18, Sina Javidan-Nejad ’17, Gabriel Knight ’17, Molly Horwitz ’16, John Luttig ’17, TG Sido ’18, Malcolm Lizzappi ’17, Hattie Gawande ’18, Mehraan Keval ’18, Eni Asebiomo ’18, Matthew Cohen ’18, David Wintermeyer ’17, Jasmin Espinosa ’18, Leo Bird ’17 and Cenobio Hernandez ’18. The lowest number of votes required to win a seat this year was 744. The closest runner-up who did not win a seat got 737 votes. This candidate was one of three who came within 20 votes of capturing a seat on the Senate.

Perennial joke candidate Senator Palpatine won 133 write-in votes for the Senate.

The seniors elected the slate “Sixteeniors” to be their class president, while the juniors elected the slate “Six Flags.” The sophomores elected the slate “Mem Squad” to be their class presidents.

A partial list of the winning candidates was available for the Graduate Student Council, though a couple of write-in candidate winners were pending as of the announcement. The confirmed winners are Sam Bydlon Ph.D. ’17, Jieyang Jia B.S. ’13 M.S. ’13 Ph.D. ’19, Isamar Rosa, Gabriel Rodriguez M.A. ’14 Ph.D. ’15, Qian Lin, Yiran Duan, Eddy Albarran B.S. ’13 Ph.D. ’20, Rujia Jiang, Dorian Bertsch B.A. ’10 MBA ’16, Jingyi Li, David Hsu, Trevor Martin and Gabriela Badica.

Finley said that the announcement was full of tension. “I also just remember how close the vote count was, because they announced the vote count before who had won, and so we were all just about to have a heart attack, the minute they said how close it was. I never saw an Exec race that close.”

“We’re incredibly honored to have been elected to serve this year, we’re super excited for it. I think we have an awesome year ahead,” Finley later said. “There are so many feelings about Stanford right now — people are feeling down about Stanford and I’ve seen people saying that because of this year, the life feels drained out of Stanford. We’re excited for the life to come back, we’re excited to engage with the student body, and take on some of these issues while not just draining our souls.”

This article has been updated. 

Contact Caleb Smith at caleb17 ‘at’

About Caleb Smith

Caleb Smith '17 is a Deputy Desk Editor from Oakland, California and is planning on majoring in public policy. Outside the Daily, Caleb is Co-director of news at KZSU Stanford, the campus radio station. Have a tip or suggestion? Please contact him at caleb17 ‘at’
  • noooo

    In other words, stanford is fucked.

  • pretendous

    1797 – 1695 = 98?

  • lateeda

    Congratulations. Please keep this session as much about Stanford and as little about Israel/Palestine as possible, thanks.

  • CheckYourIgnorance

    All those flavors and you chose salty. Interesting….Enjoy!

  • JMAR

    Congratulations! I wish you strength and please know if you ever feel like you are being targeted, you are… and you should reach out for support. The University administration has refined their approach.

    they used to simply denigrate your perspective from afar, now they have refined their approach to invite you to have dialogue in a closed meeting – just you +2 administrators, no friends, no support, no recording and no public transcript.

    see the refinement ‘dialogue’ affords

    Provost John Etchemendy – 2009

    ———- Forwarded message ———-

    From: John Etchemendy

    Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Subject: Re: Community Center Cuts…Please Read


    Cc: John Etchemendy

    Dear Ms _______,

    Our cuts were not across-the-board cuts. They were
    the result of careful consideration by the University Budget Group, which spent
    hundreds of hours over the last four months reviewing every school and
    administrative unit’s budget plans. I understand that you feel you
    are in a better position than this group to judge the fairness of Stanford’s
    budget decisions, in spite of your lack of knowledge of any other unit in the
    university. But you are wrong. I know that you believe
    that you, and only you, “know what it takes to keep students at
    Stanford,” in spite of the fact that many people at Stanford have been
    successfully doing this for twenty and thirty years. But you are

    I have a request. Print a copy of your message and
    put it in a safe place. In twenty years, take it out and read
    it. You will know then why I asked you to do that.

    Thank you for your input.

    John Etchemendy

    Here is the refined product of ‘dialogue’ – mimicry and mockery.

    On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 12:14 PM, John Etchemendy ‪ wrote:

    Manny, I’d really like to understand your perspective on these issues, but email is not a good way to do that. I’d like to sit down and talk, if you’d be interested. I could meet this afternoon or some time tomorrow.

    Would you like to do that?


  • web king

    lol this was hilarious