Affirming our commitment to community

At Stanford, there is no place for hate, intimidation or violence against any individual or group of people in our community. When any group is singled out and targeted by a hate crime, it impacts and harms the entire university community. Let us all, together, remain vigilant against prejudices of any kind, both subtle and blatant. There have been many important discussions on campus about local, national and international justice issues this academic year. We also understand that the past few months have tested the strength and bonds of our community.We encourage students who wish to speak to someone to use the campus resources available to support them, including:
*     Residential Education: 650-725-2800
*     Graduate Life Office: 650-736-7078
*     Office for Religious Life: 650-723-1762
*     CAPS: 650-723-3785
*     The Bridge Peer Counseling Center: 650-723-3392

Stanford is everyone’s “home” away from home. We join with all members of this community in listening to one another and working together to make Stanford the kind of place where every person and voice feels valued. And we are always open to hearing your ideas about creating spaces for open discussion and building community, so please do not hesitate to contact any of us.

Greg Boardman
Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Harry Elam
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Patricia Gumport
Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Jane Shaw
Dean for Religious Life

  • Alumna

    There was a rally against anti-semitism on campus last night. As an alum who has been keeping up on this issue, I would like to know the following: how may students were there, how many faculty and staff attended, and most importantly, how many representatives of the student groups who were vocal about divestment but stated it had no tie to anti-semitism were also present at the rally? Indeed, as the vote for divestment demonstrated, actions speak louder than words. I truly hope there was a good crowd in attendance at last night’s rally, in particular, I hope that there was representation from the student groups supporting divestment but claiming that it was not tied to anti-semitism. Indeed, if this was not the case, then there is a problem on our beloved campus. I must say as an alumna who has raised significant money for the school, particularly to ensure we coud admit and fund a diverse universe of students, I certainly did not anticipate it would lead to the recent atmosphere on campus. Anyone who is lucky enough to be at Stanford should remember that a diverse group of alumni have supported their ability to be at the University.

  • mxm123

    And I hope you do learn to accept a diverse set of views rather than conveniently pretending that anyone who disagrees with you is an anti-semite.

  • Guest

    Answer to mxm: If you are pro a 57th Muslim state and against 1 Jewish state in the land the Jews made important in the first place, then in my eyes you are either mis-educated or an anti-Semite.

  • student’15

    Plenty of students, including leaders of groups supporting divestment, senators who voted for divestment, etc were there, the Daily has a couple pictures that show the size of the audience. I’m skeptical of divestment, but we can definitely appreciate that many of the people who pushed it were there.

  • mxm123

    Claiming you have the right to kick out of their land anyone based on YOUR religious fantasies shows that your not mis-educated but rather a ….

  • Alumna

    Thank you for these answers. I am glad to hear there were constituents from all the groups at this event.