Fix-it request system crashes Monday

The student fix-it request system underwent “ongoing problems” with its web application at early this week, the Housing Front Desk said in an email on Monday.

According to Residential & Dining Enterprises Communications Director Jocelyn Breeland, the 29-hour outage was resolved as swiftly as possible.

“The fix-it web application is hosted by a third-party vendor, not Stanford,” Breeland said in an email to The Daily. “That vendor implemented a network architecture change, not realizing that doing so would affect our operations.”

Students were encouraged to direct any fix-it-related issues to the Housing Front Desk while the information technology staff at R&DE worked with the vendor to resolve the website problems.

R&DE has begun a project to move the facilities management solution from the vendor-hosted solution to a Stanford-hosted solution by late fall. Breeland said the system should be better equipped going forward.

Contact Tristan Vanech at tvanech ‘at’