Get to know Stanford fall sports

As freshmen arrive on The Farm for New Student Orientation, The Daily Sports Staff put together a guide for anyone who needs to catch up on how the Cardinal have been doing on the field, court, course and pool so far this fall.


Women's volleyball
Women's volleyball
Men's soccer
Men's soccer
Women's soccer
Women's soccer
Field hockey
Field hockey
Men's water polo
Men's water polo
Women's golf
Women's golf
Men's golf
Men's golf
Cross country
Cross country

About The Daily Sports Staff

The Daily Sports Staff is the collective moniker of an overworked, beleaguered, underpaid collection of sportswriters that feel comfortable enough with their own self-identities to give up any sense of individualism for the good of the sports section. To contact The Daily Sports Staff, send an email to dpark027 'at' to reach Do-Hyoung Park or to jwallach 'at' to reach Jordan Wallach, keepers of the souls of those sportswriters.