Islamophobia and the White moderate

In his Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. asserted that the White moderate is the “great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom.” The White moderate is one who “paternalistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time; and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a ‘more convenient season.’” While racism against Black Americans and the plight of Muslim Americans post-9/11 are not the same, the response of White moderates is strikingly similar.

On September 28, an opinion piece – titled “This is Not Islamophobia” – appeared in the Stanford Daily. In it, the author, Mr. Ian Knight, decided he would be the arbiter of what constitutes Islamophobia. His verdict on the case of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed: Not Islamophobia, and to think of it otherwise is “unwise and ignorant of the situation as a whole.” He bases his argument on understanding the context of the zero-tolerance policy upheld by most schools.

I do not want to be ignorant and unwise of the context, either, so let us re-examine what happened. Once Ahmed was arrested for allegedly bringing a bomb to school, they did not evacuate the school. They did not call a bomb squad. They did not get as far away from him as possible. Instead, they put him and his bomb in an office, where one of the four waiting police officers said, “Yup, that’s who I thought it was.” After interrogating him and denying him a call to his parents, they put him and his bomb in the same car as the police. Then they took pictures of the bomb, and realized what they already knew and acted upon all day: It was a clock and he was Muslim. Even for the absurd policy that is zero-tolerance, which targets students of color and fuels the school-to-prison pipeline, Ahmed’s case seems more like a tolerate-until-he’s-humiliated policy.

Mr. Knight contends that any student who brought a clock like Ahmed’s would have fared the same. This is not true: Several cases have been documented where students brought homemade clocks to school without incident. Ahmed was arrested on suspicion of a hoax-bomb, which means the teacher’s initial gut-reaction legally justified Ahmed’s arrest regardless of his intentions. It is nice that the Texas penal code was written to validate the feelings of someone threatened by a clock; however, Ahmed, who felt he was targeted because he was a Muslim, is not entitled to that claim. Mr.Knight holds him to a higher standard of evidence.

More evidence can be found in the context: The mayor of Irving, Beth Van Duyne, has been inciting anti-Muslim sentiment among her supporters for several months prior to the arrest of Ahmed. From an interview with Glenn Beck, to speaking at a Tea Party gathering, Van Duyne has fanned the flames of Islamophobia through her xenophobic rhetoric. She is the mayor after all, and she knows how to play into the fearful hands of her constituents to get votes. The Center for American Progress has written an extensive 80-page report on the multi-million dollar Islamophobia network of America. Van Duyne and politicians of her like play a key role in advancing a fringe narrative that Islam is incompatible with western society.

Mr. Knight’s desire for evidence will never be met because the issue at its core is not a lack of evidence, but a lack of acknowledgement of evidence. He argues that Ahmed’s actions provoked the teacher’s response, but that same line of logic resulted in the acquittal of the police officers who mauled Rodney King on video, inciting the LA riots. Disenfranchised minorities are unfairly subjected to a double-standard of evidence. From the conviction of the Scottsboro boys to the suite of non-indictments handed out by grand juries last year, America has a strong tradition of refusing to accept objective evidence that points to its muddied moral history. So before requesting “a direct link between the teacher’s suspicions and a mistrust of Muslims,” perhaps Mr. Knight can indulge the Muslim community with a link between evidence and justice.

Mr. Knight tells us to not trivialize legitimate cases wherein Muslims face unfair discrimination. Yet he commits that very mistake in further downplaying the caustic Islamophobic atmosphere leading up to Ahmed’s arrest. Instead, he fixates on the irrelevant: Ahmed’s seemingly undeserved invitations to Facebook, Google and the White House. In the same breath, he could have highlighted injustices which he deems “legitimate,” but Mr. Knight is more keen on using his platform to delegitimize the experience of a 14-year-old boy.

After the police released Ahmed, no apologies were issued. The school defended its actions, and the mayor has continued her offensive suggesting that Ahmed’s family is at fault. Prejudice and arrogance go hand-in-hand.

The White paternalistic perspective is widely regarded as the objective standard by which society judges social injustices, but this perspective does not reflect the personal experiences of Muslims in America and only serves to shut out our personal histories in favor of theoretical liberal ideals. Attempts by White moderates to determine what Islamophobia looks like is itself a symptom of Islamophobic logic. That Mr. Knight assumes he can establish what Islamophobia is and is not, despite never having been a victim of it, is not uncommon in White liberal circles.

Members of this demographic either espouse anti-Muslim bigotry under the guise of upholding liberal values, or, more subtly, they advise Muslims to patiently wait for an undeniably racist tragedy in order to sway the conscience of White moderates. As Muslims, we cannot simply wait for the “right” tragedy to validate the nature of our reality, and arousing the dormant conscience of White moderates is not our end goal.

Ultimately, Martin Luther King Jr.’s statement was not an indictment on White moderate intentions, just their arrogant and condescending sense of apparent omniscience. MLK’s message to well-meaning White moderates is analogous to mine now: Learn about Islamophobia, seek to understand the experiences of Muslims, Sikhs and others perceived as Muslims and join us in condemning the arrest of a 14-year-old boy for making a clock. At the very least, learn to discern when your opinion helps “the situation” and when it obstructs our pursuit of justice.

Contact Osama El-Gabalawy at osamae ‘at’ stanford.edu.

  • Janfrans Zuidema

    “They did not call a bomb squad. They did
    not get as far away from him as possible. Instead, they put him and his
    bomb in an office, where one of the four waiting police officers said, “Yup, that’s who I thought it was.””

    They considered it to be a hoax bomb. And you cannot bring a hoax bomb to school. Ahmed and some of his family members also had some earlier experiences with the police. That’s why one of the four waiting police officers recognized him.

    PS: Osama El-Gabalawy should Learn about Islamophobiaphobia and seek to understand the experiences of Islamophobes. Attempts by Black and Brown moderates like him to determine what Islamophobiaphobia looks like is itself a symptom of Islamophobiaphobic logic.

  • Bob

    Dude, you should change your first name unless you plan to return to the Middle East. And don’t accuse me of Islamaphobia because no American white boy is named Adolph.

  • mxm123

    If they considered it a “hoax bomb” why did they keep asking him what it was ? And of course why didn’t they charge him. Was there any act like hiding it under a desk to back it up. Or do you bring a “hoax bomb” to school and show it to your teacher first thing ?

    Arrest records are public. Do tell what was the families “earlier experiences” with the police. Or is being brown/black and Muslim, experience enough.

    Quit making excuses around Islamophobia.

  • mxm123

    You mean like Adolph Coors 1,II,III,IV ?

  • Janfrans Zuidema

    “If they considered it a “hoax bomb” why did they keep asking him what it was?

    To confirm their assumption.

    “Was there any act like hiding it under a desk to back it up.”

    He activated the device in English class.

    “Or do you bring a “hoax bomb” to school and show it to your teacher first thing?”

    He didn’t show it to his English teacher first thing.

    “Do tell what was the families “earlier experiences” with the police.”

    Ahmed’s school records are sealed. His sister was suspended from school for make a bomb threat.

    “Quit making excuses around Islamophobia.”

    Not everything which involves a Muslim is Islamophobia. The shooting in Garland was a case of Islamophobiaphobia, though. Just like the murder of the Charlie Hebdo journalists and cartoonists.

  • mxm123

    An assumption, without any evidence. And continuing with that evidence despite all signs pointing otherwise. Hmmm.

    Activated the device. Like he reached in there and turned it on, deliberately. Hmmmm

    He showed it to his science teacher first thing. But nice of you to omit that. Hmmm.

    I asked for the families record. But you claim Ahmed has a sealed record. That’s like “How many times did you beat your wife today ?”. Hmmm

    So you got to see Ahmed’s sister’s record. Any proof. Hmmmm.

  • Dino

    Wow, such a heavily biased commentary, with little or no understanding of the facts. This isn’t about so-called “Islamophobia.” It’s about taking a device that is designed to look like a hoax bomb to school and parading it around from class to class to get a specific reaction. The authorities knew it wasn’t a real bomb, but every right to enforce the law regarding “hoax bombs.” Kids cannot and should not be bringing these kinds of devices into school unless they have permission to do so. And this kid clearly did not have such permission. There already was a case recently where a 7 year old Caucasian child was suspended from school in Maryland (which is a very diverse and liberal state), simply for biting a breakfast pastry into the rough shape of a handgun. Too bad that child wasn’t Muslim so that you could continue your racist rant accusing everyone of being “Islamophobes.”

  • mxm123

    Really ? You create a “hoax bomb” and then take it to school to show it to your science teacher ? Really ?

  • Haha00

    The Science/Engineering teacher told him to put it away because it looked like a bomb. He didn’t listen to him, plugged it in, and set the alarm to go off in class. You can’t do that in US schools.

  • Haha00

    What evidence is there of Islamophobia?

  • Haha00

    The science teacher told him to put it away because it looked like a bomb. Nice of you to omit that.

  • mxm123

    If the Engineering teacher thought it looked like a bomb, why didn’t he seize it. Oh wait. Never mind. The hoax part was made up.

  • mxm123


    “Monday to show an engineering teacher, who said it was nice but then told him he should not show the invention to other teachers.”

    You mean the engineering teacher thought it was a nice hoax bomb ? Then why didn’t he seize it. Or was the hoax bomb a later invention ?

  • mxm123

    Your excuses along with the hoax bomb malarkey are plenty.

  • Haha00

    Probably because he knew the kid would get in trouble if someone saw it. You can’t bring things that look like bombs to school. The teacher gave him a pass, he ignored it and took the clock out in a later class.

  • Haha00

    Yeah, that’s what I thought. No evidence.

  • mxm123

    So the teacher thought it was a hoax bomb and gave the kid a pass. Hmmm.

  • mxm123

    No evidence, is what exactly your hoax bomb malarkey is all about.

  • Haha00

    SMH. The Science teacher didn’t think it was a hoax bomb, he told him it looked like a bomb and to not show anyone. Did you even read what happened?

  • StopCrucifixion22yrOldAl-Nimr

    Ahmed’s big sister stated that she was accused of making a bomb threat and suspended from her middle school. Quit trying to conflate the experiences of black Americans with Muslims to manufacture victimhood for the latter. Slavery still exists in the ME and the Sudan today, and it is black Africans (and non-Muslims like the Yazidi) who are enslaved by Muslims.

  • Haha00

    You can’t bring things to schools that look like bombs. It was found to not be a ‘hoax bomb’ after the investigation so the felony charges were dropped. It was a suspicious item because it looked more like a bomb than a clock, so the teacher had to report it. The police have a office at the school, so it was brought to them. They had suspicions it was a hoax bomb, so they detained Ahmed. Ahmed wasn’t forthcoming, so he was arrested. It’s really that simple.

  • mxm123

    How can a hoax bomb be found not to be a hoax bomb. If there were circumstances that led to a determination of a hoax bomb, then how could those circumstances vanish ?

    Ahmed not forthcoming on what ? He stated it was a clock. And it was found to be …… a clock. So what was he lying about ?

  • Haha00

    This isn’t freaking rocket science, it’s pretty easy to see how this played out. Those circumstances didn’t vanish. It was a suspicious item the started a process. These processes are in place for a reason.

    He stated over and over again that it was a clock, even when asked specific questions when the answer wasn’t “It is a clock”.

    Here is another scenario where two girls brought clocks that looked like clocks to school as a senior prank. http://www.wcnc.com/story/news/local/2015/05/26/s-iredell-high-school-evacuated/27955409/ They both got felonies. No one got to meet the President or go on Good Morning America. Zero tolerance is very common and people know better.

  • Janfrans Zuidema


    So no real proof of Islamophobia then. Just a hmmmmmmmmmmm


  • mxm123

    The Science teacher told him to put it away. The bomb part is your fabrication. But then what’s new.

  • mxm123

    They asked him multiple times what it was and Ahmed stated….it was a clock. I guess what you wanted was a Cook County style answer.

    The big difference with the senior girls was they clearly intended it as a bomb prank. And the police here can’t even prove it as an unintentional bomb hoax or whatever.

  • Haha00

    What are you talking about? Ahmed said that exact thing in a interview.

  • Haha00

    This is starting to just be funny. So you think the girls scenario was “obviously” an intentional bomb prank but Ahmed’s wasn’t? They were real clocks alarms going off that looked like clocks.

  • You have a poor understanding of chronology

  • StopCrucifixion20YrOldAl-Nimr


    No protests on campuses, no impassioned opinion pieces. Never mind the 74 year old grandfather sentenced to 350 lashes for homemade wine, this kid is the same age as many sophomores/juniors. Islamophilia and the Black/Brown/White liberal.

  • Sean M

    The idea that the author should change his name and that it is not acceptable for living in any area beyond the Middle East is a direct testament to hate and Islamaphobia. By stating that the author’s name is below that of other’s because it doesn’t fit the standards of what you deem American just shows a sometimes limited view of American society and is just an example of spewing hate and not actual sustenance, meaningful ideas, or dialogue.

  • shriashria

    Islamophobia is not the correct term. Nobody is afraid of muslims. Most Muslims are incapable of anything but conflict. Look at every arab and muslim dominated society and you will see nothing but human failure. The only exceptions are those nations that float on oil, and they rely predominantly on western consultants for their brain power and rely on dictators to keep the population under control. This is not about fear of Muslims, it is about their inability to form a civilized society..

  • Anjasha Freed

    I wonder if the author of this article has seen the picture of Ahmed the clock boy hugging Sudanese president Omar al Bashir in recent days. Why does Ahmed seems to have such an affinity for a butcher and war criminal who presided over the racist murders of so many people? Of course, they are both Sudanese Arab Muslim, a group of people who have kept the darker-skinned non-Muslims of Sudan as a reservoir of slaves for hundreds of years. But you would think that brilliant Ahmed would know that he needs to hide that fact if he wants to be a poster child for Islamophobia.

  • Dino

    Rather than hear the truth or do a little research, some people prefer to close their eyes, plug their ears and go “Lalalalalala!!!”

  • StopCrucifixion22YrOldAl-Nimr

    Absolutely! And President Obama still had Ahmed come over to the White House, even after his association with the genocidal al Bashir became public. Clearly for the President the black lives in Darfur don’t matter as much as the manufactured theatrics of “Islamophobia”. Ahmed even promised al Bashir that he would bring his “inventions” the next time he saw him, which was the only positive thing that may came out of this whole sordid affair; al Bashir getting electrocuted from the unshielded AC transformer of a dissembled store-bought gadget.

  • StopSaudiCrucifixionAliAl-Nimr

    And after all the sermonizing, moralizing and palling around with a mass murderer and slaver, the family packs up to go to Qatar; where slavery and indentured servitude is alive and well. So much for the manufactured term islamophobia.