Anita Richard: Getting that (Special) D

I feel as if it has been an eternity since I last wrote. What can I say? I’ve been busy. There were affairs to tend to, memories to be made and lost.

Endless midterms have made these past few weeks long and hard, but the weekends have provided me with a much needed release. This past weekend, it seemed as if every fraternity, sorority and upperclass house planned their special dinners. As I’m sure you have figured out, I’m a multitasker with more than just my school work and extracurriculars, so fortunately, I was able to make the rounds.

The dinner themes gave me the perfect opportunity to access my creative side and really get into the festivities. To my delight, Terra’s theme was sex-related. My costume? A reverse cowgirl. In the early evening I wore a cowboy hat and a backwards flannel. After hours, I shed the clothes but not the character. Let’s just say I really made my date feel like he had a special D.

If you didn’t get the chance to attend a special dinner this fall, don’t fret. Next weekend, contact a few of your best friends, dress up, go out and have a good time. If you’re not feeling like spending money on a nice dinner, you can still get the full effect. It’s not so much about the food but the atmosphere: grab a couple of foot-longs from Subway or a quickie from In-N-Out. You can even plan a potluck to split up the responsibility — I can provide the bread if you want to butter it for me. Wash it all down with a bottle or two of wine, dance with your best friend or your lover, take a photo for Instagram and call it an evening. The key is to never walk away stuffed. I always make sure to save room for the last course: dessert. Want to satisfy me? Bananas with whipped cream on the tips. No need to chew — just swallow.


Anita Richard is still hungover from her last Special D.