New & Noteworthy

Short Video Tutorials for Using SGD Tools

September 20, 2011

SGD is developing a library of short video tutorials designed to step you through using various SGD tools. Check out those currently available for YeastMine, GBrowse, and SPELL, located on our SGD Video Tutorials page. Preview the “YeastMine is Awesome” video below, describing just a few of the “awesome” things you can do in YeastMine!

New Look and Features for Yeast Biochemical Pathways

September 15, 2011

SGD has upgraded Yeast Biochemical Pathways (YeastCyc) to Pathway Tools Version 15.0. This version gives the pathway database a new look and offers new features for querying and analyzing data. A pathway-specific toolbar, available on each pathway web page, provides easy navigation and new features, including options to highlight pathways and substrates on the cellular overview and to download a list of genes from a specific pathway. Pathway files (yeastcyc15_201109.tar.gz and can be downloaded from SGD’s downloads page.

Sequence Data for 26 Additional S. cerevisiae Strains Available

September 6, 2011

SGD has updated both its BLAST Search and Pattern Matching (PatMatch) tools to include genomic, coding, and protein sequences from 26 additional S. cerevisiae strains. Look for more updates and tools from SGD for analyses of the S. cerevisiae strain genomes in the coming months.

SGD Downloads Site Updated

September 1, 2011

SGD has updated its file Downloads Site. The new look includes complete genomic and protein sequence files for the current S288C reference sequence (Release 64) and all previous releases. Genomic sequence and annotation for numerous S. cerevisiae strains are also available for download. As always we make available many other published datasets and a large collection of information curated by SGD from the literature.