New & Noteworthy

YEASTBOOK now available!

November 15, 2011

YEASTBOOK is now available in the November 2011 issue of GENETICS. This month’s issue includes a Perspectives article by David Botstein and Gerry Fink, a review about transcriptional regulation written by Steve Hahn and Elton Young, and a review about sporulation written by Aaron Neiman. Edited by Alan G. Hinnebusch, YEASTBOOK will be a compendium of comprehensive reviews that provides the current state of knowledge of the molecular biology, cellular biology, and genetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Approximately 50 YEASTBOOK review articles will be published in GENETICS (a peer-edited journal of the Genetics Society of America) over the next two years. Gene names mentioned in YEASTBOOK reviews are linked back to SGD.

Read an editorial by Alan Hinnebusch and Mark Johnston to find out more about YEASTBOOK.