
Major collections in this area include the papers and organizational records of prominent advocates of laissez-faire economic principles, particularly from the United States, Austria, and Great Britain. Other materials relate to domestic and international economic conditions, foreign aid and development, and war reconstruction, as well as a small but important set of documents concerning Soviet agrarian policy.  

Free to Choose Videotape Collection, Box 5, Hoover Institution Archives

A ten–part television series broadcast on PBS in 1980

Hoover Institution Library and Archives Political Economy workshop participants, June 2014

First annual conference explored Hoover's economics collections


Milton Friedman Papers

US economist; winner, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences

Friedrich A. von Hayek Papers

Austrian economist; president, Mont Pèlerin Society, 1947–62

Mont Pèlerin Society Records

International organization of laissez-faire economists

Institute of Economic Affairs Records

British organization promoting free market economic policies

Heartland Institute Collection

Printed matter relating to economic public policy issues

F. A. Harper Papers

US economist; president, Institute for Humane Studies, 1965–73

Institute for Humane Studies Miscellaneous Records

US organization for promotion of laissez-faire economics

William John Fellner Papers

US economist; member, Council of Economic Advisers, 1973–75

Chicago Boys and Latin American Market Reformers Collection

Materials relating to free market policies in Latin America

Arthur N. Young Papers

US economist; financial adviser, government of China, 1929–46

Pierre F. Goodrich Papers

Member, Mont Pèlerin Society

Mikhail S. Bernstam Papers

Russian American economist

R. M. Hartwell Collection

Materials relating to the Mont Pèlerin Society

See More:

Economics Archival Collections     Economics Library Materials

Angus Burgin Delivers Keynote at First Annual Workshop on Political Economy

Monday, July 7, 2014

As part of the inaugural Hoover Institution Library and Archives’ Workshop on Political Economy, Professor Angus Burgin of Johns Hopkins University gave the keynote lecture titled "Hayek, Friedman, and the Return of Laissez-Faire." 

Undated photo of Hayek, London, circa 1940s

New Increment of the Papers of Friedrich von Hayek Arrives at the Hoover Institution Archives

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Some of the last remaining papers of the economist and Nobel laureate Friedrich von Hayek (1899–1992) arrived at the Hoover Institution Archives in May.

Milton Friedman

Hundredth anniversary of Milton Friedman’s birth

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hoover fellow Milton Friedman, a renowned American economist. He was also the Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Chicago, where he taught from 1946 to 1976, and a member of the research staff of the National Bureau of Economic Research from 1937 to 1981.

Milton Friedman

Major Addition to the Milton Friedman Papers

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Hoover Institution Archives has recently acquired an addition to the papers of economist Milton Friedman. A guide to the papers is now available describing both original and new materials.

F. A. Harper from his pamphlet "Public Dis-Utilities," reprinted from the Commer

Inventory of the F. A. Harper Papers Available Online

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Floyd Arthur “Baldy” Harper was an American educator and economist whose ideas influenced libertarian thought. The F. A. Harper papers, which relate to laissez-faire economics and economic policy in the United States, now have an inventory available online.

Milton and Rose Friedman: An uncommon couple

Milton and Rose Friedman: An uncommon couple

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

On the occasion of what would have been Milton Friedman’s one hundredth birthday (July 31, 2012), the Hoover Institution launched a website dedicated to the lifework of the Nobel laureate and Hoover fellow and his partner in life and in public policy research, Rose Friedman.

Milton Friedman Sound Recordings Digitized

Milton Friedman Sound Recordings Digitized

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More than two hundred fifty audiotapes in the Milton Friedman papers are available for listening after having been digitized by Hoover's audio lab. The earliest, recorded in 1961, captures a debate between Friedman and Senator Joseph Clark on the proper role of the federal government in which Friedman frames his argument around a critique of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.

Milton Friedman receiving the Nobel Prize

New List of 206 Tapes in Milton Friedman’s Economics Cassette Series

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A list of audio programs in Milton Friedman’s extensive Economics Cassette Series (ECS), 1969–78, is now available (click here and then scroll down to box 103).

Sound Recordings in the Mont Pèlerin Society

Sound Recordings in the Mont Pèlerin Society Records Digitized

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More than fifty audiotapes in the records of the Mont Pèlerin Society, an international organization of laissez-faire economists, have been digitized for preservation and access by Hoover's audio lab. Many of the tapes contain proceedings of four of the society's meetings, held from 1956 to 1960. The 1958 meeting, in Princeton, New Jersey, featured Friedrich A. von Hayek, Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, William H. Hutt, and other economists discussing the welfare state, agricultural economics, inflation, and monetary policy.




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