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Long-Term Relationships: Couples in it for the Long Haul

Photo of couple holding hands
January 19, 2016 -
12:00pm to 1:15pm
Keck Science Building, 380 Roth Way

A weekly discussion group for couples managing long-term relationship issues such as:

  • Where’d the fun go?
  • Personality differences – an attribute in the beginning becomes an abhorrence
  • Same fight, different day – flexing well-toned muscles of dysfunctional communication
  • Intimacy deceleration – sexual and emotional disconnect


  • Mary Foston-English, MA, Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Dawn Guthart, MA, Marriage and Family Therapist


The group is limited to 8 couples on a first-response basis.  Registration is required, as is attendance at all three sessions. Brief screening telephone interview required by December 15.

Event Type: 
Discussion Group
Event Categories: 
Faculty Staff Help Center